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Mike sat down with Jessica, holding his arm around her neck as everybody got settled in.

Matt and Mike were across from eachother on the couch, Matt felt bad for the unnecessary conflict.

Emily walked into the lodge, finishing the group of 8. She crossed her arms as soon as she saw Jessica and Mike, she couldn't belive that Jess would get with Mike 2 weeks after their breakup.

"Oh my god.. that's so gross." Emily started.

"Em-" Matt tried to intervene.

"Seriously, can she not be any more obvious?" Em said.

"Excuse me?" Jessica said, standing off the couch.

"I'm sorry, did you not hear me? Was your sluttiness to loud?"

"Sounds like somebodys bitter she didn't make the cut?"

"Yeah. It's all a big cattle call with that dreamboat. Congrats, you're top cow."

"Cuts real deep calling miss homecoming a cow." Jessica fought back.

"Em, please dont-" Matt tried to talk.

"Shut up, Matt."

"Stay out of this, you dumb oaf!"

"Hey! Watch it-"

"Oh," Jessica interuppted, "You're the only one who can put him down? No one else can play with your toys?"

"I- you're such a bitch!" Emily yelled.

"H-hey, you're making everyone uncomfortable, Jess-"

"Jealous much?" Jessica interuppted again, "Emily too frigid for you, too?"

"I- no. That's uncalled for, look-"

"Whatever, I don't give a crap about what you think!"

"At least I can think," Emily started, "4.0 bitch. Honor roll. Suck on that when you're trying to sleep your way into a job."

"Who needs grades when you've got all the natural advantages you can handle?" Jess said.

"Oh please-" Emily said.

"Jessica, you need to shut your mouth. Please." Matt tried to intervene once more.

"No! You're the one who needs to get your nose out of other people's buisness!" Jessica poked Matt in the chest, warning him off.

"STOP! Stop." Josh yelled, "This is not why we came up here. This is not... helping. It's not what I wanted. If we can't get along for ten minutes then maybe we need a little bit of a break, right? Mike - why don't you check out the guest cabin. The one I told you about." He suggested.

"Yeah... Yeah, alright. Want to go do that?" Mike stood up and went to go ask Jessica, somewhat defusing her after not joining the argument.

"Ugh- any place without that whore."

"Its right up the trail." Josh said.

Mike and Jessica held hands as they walked for the side door, Mike sighed relief now that the fight was over.

Matt put his hands on his head and faked a explosion with his mouth and hands.

"Glad that's over.." Matt mumbled.

"Yeah," Josh said, "Wish that didn't happen." Josh kneeled down to the fire pit.

"So Josh, should we get this fire started?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, man."

Emily walked over to the bags Matt brought in, noticing one of them were gone.

"Matt.. where's my bag?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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