Chapter 7

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A/n: hey so if i get any other ideas i will do more chapters. Hope you enjoy

Leos pov:
It had been a few weeks since I started feeling happy again.
I hadnt heard any of raphs lectures, mikey was always attached to me and donnie has always been checking on me.
Don always wants to check my arms and he always makes sure they are clean and he also didnt tell the others what i do to myself so thats good, if Raph found out exactly what i had been doing he would get emotional and would blame himself, even though it kinda was because of him.
I had been trying to get to sleep but it was quite hard due to my insomnia, donnie usually would help me get to sleep but i didnt wanna bother him as he was working on his projects.
After what felt like hours i finally fell asleep.
"Leo help!"
Huh where was that comming from?
I walked around in an alley way trying to find the source of the sound.
It got louder and louder.
"Leo help!!"
Wait was that donnie?
Whats donnie doing out here?
What was that??
"AHhhH Leo..."
Is donnie ok? He sounds like he is in pain..
I turned around a corner and found his lifeless body there, i could see what seemed to look like big mama walking into a purple glowing portal.
"H-hey s-stop!" I heard her chucking as the portal dissapeared.
"Dee? Are you ok?" He didnt respond. Im too late..
I held his cold body and tears fell from my eyes.
I cant believe that ive lost my favourite brother. I never said who my favourite one was but it was deffinatly donnie, he was the least mean to me and i knew he cared about me more than the others did.
I cried harder and harder, i want him back i cant live without donnie.
"Leo.." wait isnt that donnie?
"Donnie is that you?!" I could hear some sort of evil sounding chuckling
"Yes leo it is me. Cant believe we ever tried to like you.
You just left me to die." Wait what
"No no i was looking for you i found you too late please forgive me brother!" The laughter got louder
"Ha brother?! Brothers love each other and i do not love you. You left me to die." I could feel tears forming in my eyes.
"Please i swear i didnt leave you i couldnt find you" the tears had burst out of my eyes what was i going to do he wont believe me.
"Well either way i died and it was your fault, you wernt there to defend me, and yet on countless times i defend you. None of us care about you, your pathetic, your a mistake, your a disappointment"
i covered my ears and curled up in a ball as he continued to tell me all these things that i knew were true.
As i cried harder and harder everything went dark and silent.
All i could hear was my sobbing.
I opened my eyes and the sound of my crying filled the room.
I got out of the bed and sat in the corner of my room, i reached out for the source of relief.
As i held the blade to my skin donnie calmly took it out of my hand and sat nexto me.
But didnt he hate me a moment ago?

Donnies pov:

Leo had been getting better these past few weeks.
He had been self harming alot less and if he felt upset he would usually come talk to me. Strangely tonight i hadnt seen him.
He usualy comes in my lab unable to sleep, but he hadnt made an appearance tonight.
Maybe he has managed to fall asleep? I will go check on him i need a coffee anyway.
As i walked towards his room i could hear him crying, not too unusual but odd that he didn't come to me asking for comfort.
I opened his door just a slight crack to see what he was doing.
I could see him tossing and turning, he must be having a nightmare.
Well once he wakes up its gonna be a long night so i went to make my coffee as i knew ide be staying up all night with him.
Once i had made the coffee i retured to his room to find him in the corner crying.
Wow this must have been a bad nightmare.
I saw him reach for a blade and hold it to his arm.
After putting down my coffee i walked over to him and took the blade out of his hands and sat down nexto him.
"Leon..youre ok dont worry, im here" i felt him lean his head onto my shoulder.
"Hey little bro wanna tell me what happened" his head lifted up and he looked down at the floor.
"Heh little bro? We are twins remember 'big bro'"
i got a tissue and wiped his eyes while shaking my head.
"Anyway nardo, care to share what got you so upset?"
I saw his hesitating for a moment before shaking his head.
"No not yet. I want hugs" he always got cuddly when he was sad.
Everyone thought i hated hugging but secretly i loved hugging my family.
"of course come here" he snuggled into me and i could feel him starting to drift back to sleep.
"Hey dont fall asleep in the floor, get into bed" he climbled into his bed and he shifted over
"Dee please can i have more hugs"
i chuckled to myself and got into his bed. Within minutes he had fallen asleep but i couldnt leave as his arms were on me.
I just hope the others dont come in, i may like cuddles but nobody other than leo needs to know that.
I looked at leo, his face was tear stained and i could see bags around his eyes, his arms were covered in scars, my poor little brother was in pain for a long time and i was so close to being too late to help.
I felt tears appear in my eyes, what would happen if we never apologised to him?
I cant evan bear to think of a life without leo. Sure he does get annoying sometimes but we wouldn't be able to live without him.
I wiped the tears from my eyes and put my arm around leo.
He looked so peacful now.
"I promise i will make you better leo.."
I closes my eyes and drifted of to sleep.

A/n: hey hope you enjoy this. The idea popped in my head so why not

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