Chapter 5: Whisperings of the Ancients

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As Aria retreated to her quarters, General Kael's mind was already in motion. He knew Aria's curious nature could lead her into dangerous territory, especially with the rumors of ancient tunnels circulating in the castle. Kael called for the head of servants, a stern man named Gregory, and issued his instructions.

General Kael: "Gregory, I want you to increase Aria's duties. She is to work exclusively in my chambers from now on. I cannot have her wandering the castle unsupervised." Gregory nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. He knew better than to question the general's orders, especially when it came to matters of security.

Gregory: "Yes, General. I will see to it that Aria is kept busy in your chambers."

With that, Gregory set off to carry out his orders, leaving Kael alone with his thoughts. He had been living in the castle for 27 years, and though he knew the rumors of ancient tunnels were not entirely false, he also knew the dangers they posed.

The next morning, as Aria made her way to General Kael's chambers, she was shocked to find Gregory waiting for her, a list of new duties in hand.

Gregory: "Good morning, Aria. General Kael has instructed that your duties have been increased. You are to work exclusively in his chambers from now on."

Aria's heart sank at the news. She had been looking forward to exploring the castle, to uncovering its secrets and unraveling its mysteries. Now, it seemed that her curiosity would be stifled, confined to the four walls of the general's chambers.

Aria: *Frustrated* "This is ridiculous! Why am I being punished? What did I do to deserve this?"

Gregory: "I'm sorry, Aria. Those are the general's orders. He believes it's for your own safety."

Aria cursed Kael under her breath, furious at being confined to his chambers like some common servant. She had always prided herself on her independence, on her ability to explore and discover. Now, it seemed that freedom was being taken away from her, and she didn't know how to handle it.

As she went about her new duties, Aria couldn't shake the feeling of anger and frustration that consumed her. She cursed Kael for his arrogance, for his coldness, for his utter disregard for her feelings. But deep down, she knew that Kael was not trying to protect her. Perhaps, she thought begrudgingly, he had some ulterior motive for keeping her close.

As the day wore on, Aria's anger slowly gave way to determination. She knew that she had no choice but to obey Kael's orders, at least for now. But deep down, a small spark of defiance burned within her, a determination to find a way to escape the confines of Kael's chambers and uncover the secrets of the castle once more.

And then, an opportunity presented itself.

She overheard one of the servants complaining about having to clean the basement, a task that no one seemed eager to do. Aria saw this as the perfect opportunity to escape the confines of Kael's chambers and explore the castle once more.

Aria: "I'll do it. I'll go to the basement."

The servant looked at her incredulously, surprised by her sudden volunteering.

Servant: "Are you sure, Miss Aria? It's not the most pleasant task."

Aria nodded, determined to seize this chance for freedom.

Aria: "I'm sure. I could use a change of scenery."

With that, Aria made her way to the basement, her heart racing with excitement. She knew that the basement was rumored to be the entrance to the ancient tunnels that lay beneath the castle, and she was eager to uncover their secrets.

As she descended into the darkness of the basement, Aria felt a thrill of excitement and fear. She knew that she was taking a risk, but the promise of adventure was too enticing to resist.

As she explored the dimly lit corridors of the basement, Aria's senses were heightened. Every creak of the floorboards, every rustle of the wind, seemed to echo through the corridors, filling her with a sense of foreboding and excitement.

As Aria ventured deeper into the basement, her excitement began to wane. The air grew thick with a strange smell, a foul odor that made her gag. She realized with dismay that it was coming from the drain water, which had clogged up the pipes and needed cleaning.

Aria: Coughing "Oh, this is horrible."

Despite her regret, Aria knew she had committed to the task and couldn't back out now. With a heavy heart, she set to work, clearing the clogged drains and cleaning up the mess.

As she worked, Aria's mind wandered back to the events of the past few days. She thought about General Kael and his cold demeanor, about the rumors of ancient tunnels and the mysterious creature said to lurk within the castle walls.

As Aria finished cleaning the clogged drain, she stood back, proud of her work. The basement was now clean, the foul smell dissipating into the air. But her satisfaction was short-lived as she noticed water beginning to spread across the floor once more.

Aria: "No, not again."

She quickly realized that the drain pipe was still clogged. Determined to fix the problem once and for all, Aria knelt down and began to fiddle with the drain, trying to clear whatever was causing the blockage.

After a few moments of effort, the blockage gave way, and water began to flow freely once more. But as Aria peered into the drain, she noticed something strange. Among the debris that had clogged the pipe, there was a small leather piece, with a mysterious rune etched into it.

Aria's heart skipped a beat as she picked up the leather piece, her mind racing with possibilities. She had heard stories of ancient runes and symbols, of their mystical powers and hidden meanings. Could this rune be a clue to the castle's secrets?

With trembling hands, Aria examined the rune closely, trying to decipher its meaning. But the more she looked at it, the more confused she became. It was like no rune she had ever seen before, and its meaning eluded her.

Dirty and disheveled from her work in the basement, Aria made her way back to General Kael's chambers. She knew she needed to clean up before continuing her duties, but she couldn't shake the excitement of her discovery.

As she entered Kael's chambers, she found him sitting at his desk, poring over some documents. Without looking up, he spoke.

General Kael: "You're a mess, Aria. What have you been up to?"

Aria: Nervously "I...I was cleaning the basement. The drain was clogged, and I had to fix it."

General Kael: Mocking "Ah, the brave explorer, plumbing the depths of the castle's mysteries. Tell me, did you find any hidden treasures?"

Aria felt a flush of embarrassment as Kael mocked her. She knew that he didn't understand the significance of her discovery, but she couldn't help but feel hurt by his words.

She quietly said no and returned to her quarters, thinking sleep will claim her soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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