Chapter 4: Whispers in the Shadows

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After a grueling day of work in the castle, Aria finally had a moment to herself. Eager to explore the city of Valoria, she ventured out into the bustling streets, the sights and sounds of the city washing over her. Her first stop was a quaint jewelry shop, where she admired the intricate designs of the pieces on display. She couldn't resist buying a delicate silver necklace, its design reminiscent of her village and home.

Feeling hungry, Aria then made her way to a nearby street vendor selling Valorian cuisine. She ordered a plate of dosa and idli, two traditional dishes known for their savory flavors and fluffy textures. The dosa was a thin, crispy pancake made from fermented rice and lentil batter, while the idli was a soft, steamed cake made from the same batter. She savored every bite, the flavors transporting her back to her childhood. With her hunger satisfied, Aria decided to do some shopping for new shoes, as her old ones were worn and torn from her long journey. She found a quaint shoemaker's shop and purchased a sturdy pair of boots, perfect for exploring the city's winding streets.

As she wandered through the bazaar, Aria noticed a woman with the same mysterious mark on her hand that she had seen in her room. Intrigued, she followed the woman through the crowded marketplace, weaving through the narrow lanes until she found herself in a dark, deserted alley.

Suddenly, the woman vanished into thin air, leaving Aria alone in the darkness. Aria's heart raced as she heard a screech echo through the alley, followed by the sound of footsteps approaching from behind. Fear gripping her, Aria ran as fast as she could, the creature's shadow looming closer with each passing second. She ducked and weaved through the labyrinthine lanes of the bazaar, the footsteps growing louder and more frantic behind her.

Just when she thought she couldn't run any further, Aria burst out of the alley and collided with someone solid. She looked up to see General Kael standing before her, his expression a mixture of surprise and concern.

"What are you doing out here?" he demanded, his voice sharp.

Before Aria could respond, the creature's screech echoed through the alley once more, and she knew that whatever was hunting her was still out there, waiting in the shadows.

Aria still frightened managed to find her voice. "General, something was following me in the market. I came to buy some necessities. I heard a screech and ran."

General Kael: "Something following you? That's concerning. I was called to the area because of a murder. It seems you stumbled into something more dangerous than you realized."

Aria: "A murder? In Valoria? That's terrible."

General Kael: "Indeed. It seems we have a dangerous predator on our hands. We must tread carefully."

As they approached the crime scene, Aria's eyes widened in shock. The woman she had followed lay dead before her, her once vibrant eyes now dull and lifeless, her chest bearing the savage marks of a brutal attack.

Aria thought That's her, the woman with the mark. She led me into the alley and then vanished.

Kael knelt beside the body, examining the claw marks with a grim expression. Aria watched as he carefully studied the scene, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any clue that might lead them to the killer.

Aria: "Do you have any idea what could have done this?"

General Kael: "It's hard to say. The markings suggest a creature of some kind, but nothing like I've ever seen before. We'll need to investigate further."

As Kael continued his examination, Aria couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over her. She knew that she was in the midst of something far more dangerous than she had ever imagined.

After the discovery of the murdered woman, General Kael wasted no time in taking charge of the situation. He spoke to the passersby, asking if anyone had seen anything suspicious, but no one knew the woman or had any information about her attacker.

Deciding to take the body to the morgue for examination, Kael then made his way to the castle to report to the king. Aria watched from a distance, her curiosity piqued by the events unfolding around her.

As she stood amongst the passersby, Aria overheard snippets of conversation that sent a shiver down her spine. People were talking about an ancient creature, a being of darkness that was said to have been imprisoned within the castle for centuries.

According to the rumors, the creature had somehow been freed from its prison and was now roaming the streets of Valoria, seeking its next victim. The city's residents were fearful, unsure of how to protect themselves from a creature of such ancient and malevolent power.

As they walked back to the castle, Aria's attempts at light-hearted conversation seemed to irritate General Kael more than anything else. His responses were curt, and his tone was sharp, causing Aria to shrink back in fear.

Aria: "Do you think there are secret tunnels in the castle, General? Maybe we could-"

General Kael: *Interrupting, with a cold glare* "Enough, Aria. I have no time for your idle fantasies. We have a murder to investigate."

Aria fell silent, chastised by Kael's harsh words. She realized then that he was not the kind of person to appreciate her playful nature, and she resolved to keep her distance from him in the future.

As they reached the castle gates, Kael turned to Aria with a dismissive gesture.

General Kael: "Go to your quarters, Aria. I have no need of your company."

Aria nodded silently, her heart heavy with disappointment. She had hoped to befriend Kael, to find a kindred spirit in this strange and dangerous land. But now, she saw that he was nothing more than a cold, unfeeling man, and she wanted nothing to do with him.

As she made her way to her quarters, Aria vowed to focus on her own investigations, to stay away from Kael and his harsh words. She knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but she was determined to face it alone, without the help of the cold-hearted general.

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