V1|Chapter 3: Forever Fall

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[Third Person POV]

All of the students were walking through Forever Fall behind Glynda and Alastor, all of them in pure awe. Alastor was only in the front because he isn't a student nor a teacher, and insisted that if something happened, he could handle himself.

Glynda: Yes students, the Forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peaches asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest. And I'm here to make sure that none of you die while doing so. I suppose Alastor is too.

Glynda stopped and turned around, and Jaune bumped into Cardin, and almost dropped the jars for the samples.

Jaune: Uh, heh!

He got anxious, and began whistling.

Glynda: Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at 4 O'clock. Have fun!

Cardin grabbed Jaune by the shoulder.

Cardin: C'mon buddy, let's go.

Jaune and Cardin DEFINITELY weren't friends.. There's something fishy going on here, and Alastor knew it. Alastor was going to keep a VERY close eye on Cardin and Jaune..

Phyrra gave Jaune a look of, 'Are you coming?' As Ren and Nora walked off, but Jaune looked down at the ground, and went with Cardin like he's being forced. Everyone knows that Jaune would rather go with Phyrra than Cardin. No question. Phyrra sighed, walking away with Ren and Nora. Alastor went with team RWBY because he didn't just want to stand around.

A little while later, Weiss had collected her sample, holding her jar while leaning her back against a tree. Nora was with Ren, and had collected hers, and Ren had just finished collecting his. Blake was sitting next to Ruby, and had already collected hers, while Ruby was putting the top back on hers. Yang had hers, and she was admiring the trees while Phyrra had just stood back up from collecting hers. Jaune, Cardin and his team were hiding on top of a hill just above where everyone was. Ren handed his sample to Nora, and she drank her own and Ren's, making him glare at her slightly. On top of the hill, Cardin and Jaune were speaking with each other.

Jaune: Cardin? What's going on?

Cardin: Payback.

Jaune: Phyrra?

Jaune: What do yo-
Cardin pulled out a box, which had a W on it, and had buzzing. Wasps..

Cardin: That's the girl. Red hair, know it all, thinks she's smart. Alright boys, last night ol' Jaune here managed to round up a whole box full of Rapier Wasps. And now, we're gonna put 'em to work. Now, according to one of the essays we wrote last week, these nasty things looooove sweets. I'm thinking it's time to teach her a thing or two.

Cardin pulled Jaune up.

Cardin: And your gonna do it.

He handed Jaune the jar.

Alastor POV

I was speaking with Yang, who I had exchanged names with earlier today, and I was collecting a few extra jars for Professor Peaches.

Yang: Hey, Al, I think you've gotten enough jars dude.

I realized how many I had gotten, and it was around 15. I chuckled and so did Yang, and she picked up a few for me.

Alastor: Perhaps. Just in case anyone lost theirs I suppose. Nothing wrong with having a few backups.

She nodded her head, and I picked up the other jars I had gotten before walking over to Ruby, Blake and Weiss with Yang.

I sensed an 'Ursa' as everyone calls it. Since I don't take classes because I'm not a student, Ruby tells me what they learned almost everyday after classes.

Alastor: Ahem, everyone!

Everyone turned to me, and I twirled my staff around and looked at my nails for a moment.

Alastor: I sense something. Perhaps a Grimm. And guess who's not here? Jaune, Cardin and his team. Meaning, if it's a Grimm, they're in trouble. Depending on what Grimm, of course. Either WE can all go find them, or I can just go. I'm leaving it up to you. Do make it quick.

I continued to look at my nails before looking at the beautiful trees, and then the beautiful grass, just admiring the beauty, really.

Ren: We should all go.

Nora: What Ren said!

Phyrra: Perhaps we should all go?

RWBY: Let's all go!

Alastor: DELIGHTFUL!! Make sure to stay behind me, mkay?

I twirled my staff around, before turning in the direction of where I sensed it. I began heading towards it, and everyone followed.

Once we made it there, Jaune was on the ground, holding his sword and shield, while Cardin and his team were hiding. The Ursa was about to go in for the final blow. I stepped in, teleporting in front of the Ursa and blocking it's attack with my Staff.

Alastor: Greetings, Jaune! So, how has the trip been?

I asked him, looking at my nails for a very slight second, turning to the Ursa for a moment then back to Jaune, smiling like this;

Everyone was kinda shocked, whilst the Ursa was about to bite me, and everyone was about to yell for me to get out of the way, but I teleported to the side, holding Jaune so he'd also get teleported, before placing him behind me and summoning my T...

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Everyone was kinda shocked, whilst the Ursa was about to bite me, and everyone was about to yell for me to get out of the way, but I teleported to the side, holding Jaune so he'd also get teleported, before placing him behind me and summoning my Tendrils onto my back, which made everyone more shocked as I was grinning widely. I stabbed the Ursa in the stomach with one of my tendrils and lifted it into the air and slammed it against the ground multiple times, my grin getting wider with each slam, before I finally stopped and stabbed it in the head with the same tendril I had used to slam it with, and it's deceased body disenagrated like Grimm do. I then twirled my staff around and began walking towards everyone else, they were still shocked, but then began cheering. My smile went back to this;

 My smile went back to this;

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Alastor: Forget about that. Perhaps it is already 4 O'clock. I suppose we should rendezvous back.

"𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠, 𝑚𝑦 𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑟!" (Alastor x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now