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Chris and I have been dating for 3 years now and we can do or say just about anything and not feel embarrassed, well, at least he can.

Even though we've been dating for 3 years, he's never been around when I'm on my period, I just push him away for the week because.. it's embarrassing, he says it's ok and that it's nothing to be embarrassed about but I think it's gross.

I know I shouldn't feel this way but I do, I'm just not ready for chris to be around me when I'm on my period, at least not yet

Currently chris and I are on his bed watching a movie

A funny movie

A slightly funny scene in the movie happend, I giggled, chris was in the middle of drinking a pepsi when the scene happend and he choked on it from laughing too hard

It was so funny I started weezing from laughter which made me laugh even harder

Clearly I laughed a little too hard because next thing I know I felt something and my heart dropped

Oh no

I immediately stopped laughing and I closed my eyes praying this isn't real

"Woah. Y/n are you ok" he asked concerned

"Uh...I dont know"

"What do you mean"

"Like um I think I laughed a little too hard"

"Did you pee a little? It's ok if you did"


"Why are you questioning"

"Ughhhhhh dont make me say it"



"Baby, why are you so embarrassed about your period?", he asked getting up to grab new bed sheets


"Well you know I don't care, if you need stuff it's all in the cabinet under the sink"

"What do you mean?"

"Yknow like tampons and stuff"

"Why do you have them stashed in YOUR bathroom"

"I bought them when we first started dating, I bought them so if you ever did get your period here. You wouldn't feel as embarrassed because I wouldve already been prepared"

"Oh" I quietly while smiling

"I'll be right back he said leaving the room"

I got up off of the bed and saw the blood and immediately my embarrassment was back

I quickly made my way to the bathroom and under the sink was 3 pairs of his sweatpants, 3 of his hoodies and 3 of his shirts, 5 boxes of tampons but different brands, and 3 boxes of pads again all different brands

I smiled before putting in a tampon and putting on his clothes

As I walked out of the bathroom I saw him leave with the bloodied sheets

I glanced at the bed and saw fresh clean sheets

Soon he walked in, looked me up and down, smiled excitedly and yelled for nick and matt

"Baby!? Why are you bringing nick and Matt in here?" I asked embarrased and slighty panicking, face turning red

Once matt and nicked walked in they both looked me up and down, sighed in despair and handed chris 40 dollars each and walked back to their rooms withoit saying anything

"What was that" I asked shocked

"The first week of us dating. I realized you could get your period here, so I went to the store bought all of the stuff thats in the bathroom, put the stuff away and realized, hey she's gonna want clothes so I went into my closet and picked that out" he explained

"Matt said you wouldn't like that one and picked out another outfit"

"Nick said both outfits were ass and picked a different one out"

"How did you know I would pick this outfit?"

"Because you wore it for a month before we dated. And the whole week of us first dating. I put it in the bathroom and for 2 Years you constantly asked me where it was"

"But I convinced you that you lost it"

"I love you so much"

"I love you too baby"

I yawned and cuddled up against him before slowly falling asleep watching a documentary

Authors note

I hate the idea is cute but my writing is ass so it's not that good..

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