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It's Christmas eve! Chris and I have been dating for 4 years and every year on Christmas eve we always make paper snowflakes.

As I began starting to cut into the folded paper, I noticed it was very difficult to cut with the scissors I had

"Baby do you have any other scissors I could use, these aren't cutting properly" I asked chris

"Yea, just walk into the kitchen, to your right will be a drawer there should be a few pairs in there" he replied

Ok thank you" I said getting up and running to the kitchen

HEY DIDNT ANYONE EVER TELL YOU NOT TO RUN WITH SCISSORS?! ITS DANGEROUS!" he yelled from the living room as I was in the kitchen

"Oh come on you don't actually think that do you?"

"As a matter of fact I do thank you very much, I just don't want you getting hurt that's all" chris said sincerely

I just rolled my eyes "thanks but I'm not going to get hurt", I said grabbing the scissors and closing the drawer,

I grabbed the scissors and ran back to the living room where chris was


"Chris, how many people have you met that got hurt from running with scissors?, I paused, "Toddlers. Baby or little kids don't count"

He sighed in defeat and mumbled "nobody.."

"What was that? I couldn't hear youuuu" I said cockily

"Chris, nobody gets hurt by running with scissors if you hold them correctly. Which is what I do"

"Yeah yeah whatever can you sit down now so I can make snowflakes with my beautiful girlfriend?"

I pecked a kiss to his lips as I sat down

Time skip

Chris pov

"I'm going to get a soda do you want one?" Y/n said getting up

"Yea could you get me a Pepsi please and thank you"

"Ok", she said and she ran to the kitchen again

I looked at where she was sitting previously and her scissors weren't there


"I'm not..." she lied

"Then where are you scissors?"

" my hand" She said walking back into the living room with 2 Pepsi's and a pair of scissors

"Finally, your walking with scissors, a sight I thought I'd never live to see" I joked

"Oh shush, I didn't run because I didn't want to shake the sodas" she said sitting down

As she cut the paper, she groaned in frustration

"Chris why are these so tough to cut with now? They were fine a few minutes ago"

"I'm not sure, just grab another pair from the drawer"

She sighed and got up again. Quickly running to the kitchen

"Y/n, your going to get hurt, I don't find this funny"

She was giggling from the kitchen, "but it sooo is, I don't know why your so worried about me getting hurt, I'm an adult I know what I'm doing"

"See look watch this", she said beginning to run with the new pair of scissors in her hand

"Yn dont!-" I was cut off by her yelling as she tripped "ahh fuck" she groaned in pain

"Yn! are you ok!?, are you hurt?" I asked immediately getting up to help her

"I cut my leg" she said regretting her actions

I looked to her leg and saw some blood

I picked her up bridal style and set her on the kitchen island

"What did I tell you?"

"Not to run with scissors" she said with her head down

"And Why did i tell you not to?"

"Because I could get hurt"

"And what did you do?"

She sighed "I ran with scissors"

"And what happend?"

"I got hurt"

"Mhm", I hummed nodding my head "stay here don't move I'm going to grab the first aid kit"

Yn pov

As chris left me alone in the kitchen, on the table matt and nick came home

"YN WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU?! WHERES CHRIS!" nick yelled scared for me

"CHRIS, YOUR GIRLFRIENDS LEG IS BLEEDING ALOT!!" matt yelled also scared for me

Chris immediatly came down the stairs with a first aid kit, hydrogen peroxide and a cloth

As chris dabbed up the blood to clean my cut he sighed relieved, "Your lucky you dont need stitches"

"No!!" I blurted in a whiny tone once I saw him open the hydrogen peroxide

"Baby we need to clean the cut"

"But that makes it hurt"

"I know" he said

I whimpered and squeezed my eyes closed to prepare myself for the stinging pain I was about to endure in my leg

"Maybe If you had just listened to me about running with scissors we wouldn't have to do this but you didn't listen" he said in a specific tone that wasn't mean but made me feel bad for not listening

"Arhhahh" I hissed in pain from chris pouring the hydrogen peroxide onto my leg "It Stings It Stings It Stings" I whimpered

He kissed my forehead to try to make me forget about the pain but it hurt ALOT

Then he put gauze over the cut and wrapped it with a material that felt like a cast (I forgot the name)

When he was done wrapping the cut on my leg he picked me up and gently set me down on my feet

"Alright. are you able to walk ok?"

I attempted to walk into the living room but the pain made me limp

I stopped halfway to the living room to turn to chris, silently asking for him to carry me

He just smiled, picked me up and asked me where to go

"I wanna watch movies and cuddle with you" I answered

"But our snowflakes?"

"Just because we do it every year doesn't mean it has to be traditional"

He chuckled and carried me down to his room

He very carefully laid me down on his bed and put on our favorite movie

As we were laying in bed he looked at me and started giggling

Why are you laughing? I asked starting to giggle aswell

"I know someone who isn't a baby, toddler or child that got hurt by running with scissors"

I just rolled my eyes jokingly "shut up" i said and cuddled him tighter, being very careful of my injured leg

As we watched the movie he began playing with my hair very gently, I felt myself become extremely tired and next thing I knew I was sleeping on his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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