new job

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Y/n pov

I've been dating my boyfriend chris for 3 almost 4 years. I love him so much even though we've never actually said it to eachother before. I guess we're just waiting for the right time to say the L word

Chris makes youtube videos with his brothers nick and Matt. He said he really loves what he does and I'm happy that he's happy.

I also make youtube videos, I only have 10k subscribers but it's ok I love them all. I dont make a whole lot of money off of youtube so for the last few months I was trying to find a job.

Every job I applied to got denied except the job I applied to last week

An Air traffic controller.

Honestly when I got the call saying I got the job I could've ended my life right then and there

Why the fuck did I choose the most stressful job out of all jobs. No, actually why did the most stressful job accept me?

But it pays so so good. Like really really good.

But when I applied I don't think I realized how much stress this job would be, I mean I have to manage and direct all air traffic to ensure safety. I need to talk to the pilots to keep them on the right path to get to where they need to be, I need to make sure the planes are not close together at all amd there is just a whole bunch of stuff that goes with being an air traffic manager. That is high demanding and alot of pressure

What the fuck was I thinking

And how am I going to tell Chris I just got a new job that pays so good but it's too stressful

I haven't been stressed since the day I asked out Chris. THAT WAS THREE ALMOST FOUR YEARS AGO

I know Chris wont want me to do this job but, I know how to do the job, clearly the job wants me to do the job so what's the big harm

I can handle a little bit of stress.


Chris' pov

Nick, matt and I just finished filming a video. Today is Friday. We usually film on Thursday mornings around 12-4am so that way nick can edit the video all day before it comes out

But we forgot

So it is now 3:57am Friday and this video needs to be fully edited by 2:30 since we are in LA

As Matt drove us home I checked my phone

3 messages from y/n🥰

Babe when you guys are done filming come over pleeeaasssee

Chris its been houurrrsssssssss I miss youuuu

When you get here and im sleeping just know that its your fault not mine (ill definitely be sleeping so if i am youre still obligated to give me cuddles💖)
Message liked by Chris

"What are you smiling at?" Matt asked slightly laughing at me

"Can you drop me off at y/ns house?" I asked still smiling

"Yeah sure"

Time skip

As I got out of the car and walked up y/ns drive way, I noticed the lights in her house were still on so she's probrobly still awake

As I entered her house and walked into her room I saw her sleeping on her bed. I guess she was working on something because her computer was open and her phone was still in her hand. She looked really exahusted

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