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Very long*

"Ynnnn" chris says running into my room and plopping on my bed next to me

"Hmm" I spoke from just waking up

"Wanna go to a party with me?"

"Ask nick or Matt" I insisted

"See it's a couples party and I'm not incest so you have to go"

"I dont have to do anything" I sassed

"Baby pleeeeaaassseeee" he begged

"Who's party is it"

"Skies, you havent met him yet though"

"So I won't know a good portion of people there?"

"No...but You'll know me, skies, ysb trill and a few other people so you can just hang with me or them"

I sighed "when is it?"

"Tomorrow at 6"

"So I can go back to sleep?" I questioned with attitude, annoyed that I don't have ti get ready right now

"If you'll go with me tomorrow" he pleaded


"Ok as in?"

"I'll go with you if you let me sleep"

"Okk" he said happily kissing my cheek and leaving the room with a "sleep well baby"

The next day

It's 5:30 and I just got out of the shower

I'm now sitting at my vanity, curling my hair and doing my makeup

The outfit I'm wearing for the party is a short royal blue dress that stops just above my knee and my heels match my dress

I'm wearing Dimond earings that chris bought me for our 4 year anniversary and a necklace he got me that matches his

As I'm curling my lashes chris walks in

"Good morning my love" he raspy

"Chris..its almost 6pm did you just wake up?"


I laughed a little as chris slouched behind me wrapping his arms around my neck

"You look gorgeous" he smiled

"Thank you" I said smiling back "now get ready we have a party to go to"

He kissed my head and left the room to put on an outfit similar to mine (not a dress)

Time skip

As chris and I entered the house we were immediatly greeted by lil skies

"Chrissss, oh hey you must be yn nice to meet you" he said pulling me in for a hug

"Nice to meet you aswell" I said hugging him back

"Chris you know the place show her around so she doesn't get lost" he said jokingly and laughed

"I planned on it" chris laughed along

As more guests arrived, chris showed me where all of the bathrooms were, the kitchen, the living room, the dining area, the main party area and any other extra rooms

It had been 2 or 3 hours since chris and I arrived and I hadn't left his side

As he walked passed a huge group of people chris recognized them and hugged them all

Now I was standing here 3rd wheeling all of them for the past 5 or 6 minutes when they started to walk towards the backyard area

"Yn, do you think you'll be ok on your own?" Chris asked me

chris imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now