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—-------A Few Weeks Later—-----------

—-----Washington DC: Ideal Federal Savings Bank—------

The bank bustled with customers and bank clerks, a couple of elderly ladies clad in designers and 90's clothing styles huddled together on the lounge seats as they waited for their name to be called.

They giggled as they gossiped about the younger generation.

" Oh Marcie, she had run off that night during the reception with the groom's cousin!" the lady with the magenta cardigan, Eleanor enthusiastically whispered to her friend.

Marcie, who wore sharp red glasses, gasped, " and where are they now?"

The woman sitting on the other side scoffed, " Where do you think, they ran off to Italy and the girl is now pregnant, last I heard." Rose sneered rolling her eyes, when suddenly she caught sight of an elderly man wearing a dark blue suit who just entered the bank.

She smirked and grabbed Marcie's elbow to get her attention.

Marcie glanced at her and followed her line of sight, " oh my" she giggled, Eleanor looked over to who had her friends distracted and playfully rolled her eyes.

Alexander Pierce felt eyes on him and scanned the room catching sight of the ladies, he smiled as he walked past them.

"Hello ladies" he winked and smirked. Marcie giggled as the three of them waved playfully at him.

Pierce bowed his head in a courtesy manner and walked past the gate towards the offices, his smile dropping to a blank expression.

Once the doors closed behind him, the hall that led to the private offices and conference rooms grew quiet, he walked towards the elevator. Stepping in he ignored the buttons and scanned his hand and entered the pass code that'll lead him to the deeper levels of the building.

"Beep Beep"

The door opened to a small room with a desk and a secretary sat typing into her computer, not looking up she greeted him; " Hello Mr. Pierce"

"Good morning, Carla you look beautiful today" he smiled walking over

Carla ignored the compliment, " Laboratory 21st, Hail Hydra"

Pierce smirked and nodded to her " Hail Hydra" He walked past her to the double doors as they swung open when he entered.

The place looked like that of a hospital with men and women wearing lab coats walking through the halls along with men clad in black gear with guns. His eyes narrowed as he walked to his destination, he was here to hear the success and obtain the mission report he assigned to his valuable asset. But there had seemed to be an issue regarding the asset, and he was here to find out what. Upon entering the room which looked like the typical room where you get your check up at the doctor.

In the middle of the room sitting on the metal chair strapped by his wrists was the winter soldier, his metal arm was the first thing you notice with a red star embossed on it. Brock Rumlow stepped up to Pierce,

" We found him in New York again weeks after the assignment was complete"

Pierce said nothing as he regarded the man sitting in front of him, who was staring straight ahead as if his mind was somewhere else.

Pierce frowned, leaning down and snapping his fingers in front of his face, the winter soldier gaze turned up to him, his face blank and stony.

" Mission report" Pierce demanded.

In a hoarse deep voice, the winter soldier spoke,"Poluchil vse materialy po Gidre ot zhitelya ob'yekta, svideteley net." [Retrieved all Hydra materials from the target's resident, no witnesses.]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2024 ⏰

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