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Saren Arterius X Fem! Shepard

The tech was destroying him slowly, and saren, that blissfully ignorant dog, could not see it to save his life: that's were the term indoctrinated comes in, being so blissfully blind to losing ones self. I sat in the engine room of Normandy, the hum of the mag system usually helps me to clear my mind; though today it only frustrated me deeply. "Shepard, you're thinking too loud its distracting the engineers." Tali jested, squatting down next to me, purple cloudy visor facing me, "tell me what's on your mind, the engine usually calms you."

I let out a deep sigh and ran my hand over my forehead, feeling the weight of the situation heavily bearing down on me. "I need to come up with a plan to capture Saren alive," I said to my companion. "Killing him won't solve anything. I want to prove that he's wrong about humans and that we're worth saving." We sat in silence for a moment, the only sounds coming from the whirring of servos and the soft electronic hum of capacitors.Then, Tali spoke up with a suggestion. "Well, Saren is about 57% machine now," she said thoughtfully. "Wouldn't an electromagnetic pulse disable him?" Immediately, she began running simulations on her omni-tool, her focus unbreakable even through the gas-filled visor she wore."That's an interesting idea," I replied, feeling a glimmer of hope. "It could work. But we still have the problem of the nuke."

She paused, adding an extra factor into her simulation, before calculating meticulously; as she worked she hummed a quarian tune to herself. "If we put a masseffect field here...and an EMP emitter here and here...." she mumbled to herself, clicking away st her omni tool, "that should do it." She presented her omni tool to me, giving me a run down of the plan she just formatted, I rubbed my chin in thought; the strategy was well done, and thought out. "I'm going to take this down to cargo, go over it with Garrus, just to be sure."

I shuffled to my feet, grappling at the hand rail behind me, "could you send that to garrus and tell him that I'm on my way down to discuss strategy?" I smiled as I waved to her, "thanks Tali." "Any time shepard," she responded lightheartedly as I practically ran out of the room. Racing down the stairway, I bursted into the cargo bay with zeal; excitement raced in my veins, finally a chance to prove humans were just as civilized as the other races. Garrus was wrought over the third axle of the the Mako, with a welder in hand.

A tire lay next to him, he was repairing the vehicle from our last crazy drive were we just 'happened' to run into a thresher maw. His omni tool pinged just as I approached him, "ah, shep, tali said you'd be coming. What's this about capturing saren alive?" His tone sounded most displeased as he stopped what he was doing to place the welding tool down on the tire. "If we kill him it'll only prove his point garrus." I growled as the turian wiped his face with a grease rag that was draped about his neck. "Is that so?" He mouthed off, only to open his omni tool and review the data, "well, everything checks out, except for one thing." He shut the display off, looking over at me maliciously, "what will we do with him once we have him? You know he's indoctrinated." I paused to step from side to side nervously, I hadn't thought of that. "There has to be something we can do, after all, Benezia broke free on her own damn will. He can too, I'm sure of it."I pinched the bridge of my nose in mere frustration, there had to be a way.

"I trust you Jane, it'll take time, and replacement tech. His arm, the cybernetic tubing. Hell, I don't even know if what we're talking about can actually be done. It's long shot, that's for damn sure." Garrus brought the display on his omni tool back up, sending various messages, to tech industries, C-Sec engineers, and maybe even to Sparatus, the turian counselor, "but if we can do it, I promise you it'll be done. I'll get started on the emitters right away." I nodded before tapping the com button, "joker, give me an ETA to virmire asap." "Three hours tops Shepard." Joker blared over the intercom, as I looked back at my turian friend and nodded. "Thanks joker," I replied turning to address garrus, "you know your time limit, so jump to it. I'm going to work on the nukes masseffect field with tali. See you in three hours." He nodded to me, before scurrying off to begin his work. I headed up the steps towards engineering, but I was stopped along the way by kaidan, "Commander, can I have a word with you?" "Of course kaidan, and please call me Jane or at least Shepard." I retorted softly.

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