Chapter 15

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Zoned out, Rose and I somehow appeared in her room. Rose Dug through her closet, frantically searching for something to wear to the party while I sat on the bed. 

"What am I even supposed to wear?! Nothing in here is nearly sexy enough to get the boy's attention!" Rose complained, scrambling through her shirts and throwing them one by one as she rejected them.

"Who exactly are you trying to impress? It's just a party. We've been to many parties, Rose." I rolled my eyes as a shirt landed next to me on the bed.

"This party is very important, Cami! All the popular people will be there meaning that the hot guys are there too meaning that I need to look my best to hook up with one or two!" 

I laughed at her comment, laying back on the bed.

"Oh, don't you laugh! You obviously don't want to look good for James. I mean, what's so sexy about your old jeans and sweatshirt?" She turned around, placing her hands on her hips.

"Well, I mean.... what if there's someone better?" I looked down, unsure how she would react.

"Someone better? You've had a massive crush on James for forever! Who else could there be?" 

I looked her dead in the eyes, giving her an unspoken answer.

"Oh....OH!" She said as she realized who I meant, "Well, I think that he's going to be there too, so we need to make you look smoking!"

"He's going to be there?" I asked, sitting up.

"Well, he's usually at parties, so I would assume so. Come on, I'm sure I have something for you she winked."

After what felt like hours of finding the right outfits and doing our makeup, we finally arrived at the front door of the party. The thumping of the music shook me as we made our way inside. Rose had dressed me in a black, short sleeve turtleneck top, a black and white plaid pencil skirt with the little slit in the left thigh, black tights and a pair of her Docs. 

Walking in, colorful lights were shown everywhere, and the house was packed with students from school and some older people I didn't recognize. Maybe college students. Rose and I made our way to the kitchen which had alcohol covering the counters. I searched for something nonalcoholic but had no luck. I went with water from the sink.

"This is awesome!" Rose squealed.

I looked around the room, observing the guests, looking for one specific face until I finally met his eyes. Ash was leaning against a far wall with a couple of friends. I smiled and did a little wave and he smiled in return, sticking up two fingers up from his cup as an attempt to wave back. My eye contact was ruined by a body that suddenly stood in front of me.

"Hey Cami! Glad you could make it!" James said, smiling.

"Oh, hey James. Glad I could make it." I smiled back.

"Having fun yet?"

"Yes, this party is incredible."

"Good, well I have to go meet some teammates outside quick, but when I'm down, we can hang out if you like." 

"Uhm, sure." I smiled, subtly trying to move to glance around him.

"Cool, I'll see you around." He winked and walked off. 

I finally could see Ash again but when I saw him all I could see was him finishing off his drink and disappear into the crowd. I stood on my toes to try and find him and had no luck. At this point, Rose had already found a guy and was flirting with him across the room. I finished my water while people watching for a bit and finally went to the kitchen for a refill. I looked into the living room as I stuck my cup under the faucet and finally found Ash again, however, not in the way I had hoped. He was sitting on a couch with a random girl, obviously flirting with each other. He had taken off his leather jacket and draped it over the side, showing her his gorgeously defined and toned muscles. Jealousy and anger flooded all through my body and my adrenaline kicked in. I was going to do something I regretted, and I didn't care. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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