i. the red headed girl

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the red headed girli

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the red headed girl
i. madmax

Dad, I'm heading to the arcade on my bike," Cassidy informed her father, going to the garage for her bike.

"Do you have quarters?" her father asked, reaching for his wallet.

"I have some quarters from my piggy bank," Cassie replied, going on her bike.

"Return by 7 PM. Enjoy," said Bob, observing Cassie ride away.

As Cassie arrived at the arcade, she saw someone new in town. Hawkins is a small town, and this girl didn't look like she was from Hawkins.

Aside from that, the red-headed girl was playing Dig Dug. Cassie despises that game so much.

Suddenly, the girl whispered "shit" under her breath and reached into her pocket to see if she had any quarters left.

And she unfortunately doesn't. But Cassie did, and she wanted to get to know the girl better anyway. So Cassie reaches out for her pocket and gets out a quarter

"Are you out of quarters? I can give you some!" Cassie exclaimed, looking at the red-headed girl's ocean eyes.

"Seriously? Thank you so much. I'm Max," Max says and reaches out her hand, and Cassie gladly shakes it.

"Are you new here in Indiana?" Cassie asked Max.

"Yes, I'm from California," Max answered.

"I also used to live there, i moved into hawkins in July because my dad found someone to love. Hawkins is so much fun if you find the right people, I'm friends with my step brother friends they are so much fun" Aurora exclaims to max, Cassie didn't know they had a lot in common until max told her.

"Oh I also have divorced parents, my mom also decided to move too Hawkins because she found someone new, now I have to keep up with my awful step brother. I hate him so much"

Max confessesd in all her years, she has never felt such a close connection to another person. She had resigned herself to the possibility of never encountering someone with who she shared so many interests and perspectives. The same sentiment was echoed by Cassie, who too had never imagined she would find someone who mirrored her thoughts and experiences so accurately.

"I never knew we had so much in common, let's be friends" Cassidy asks max, she was so excited to make friends that weren't wills friends.

"Yes sure" Max answers and then takes a glance at her watch.

"Shit my step brother is there, hes going to be really mad if I don't come in time. I need to go. Bye Cassidy" Max says waving at Cassie and leaving the arcade.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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