I've never seen a real plant before. The only plants I've ever seen were the weeds, and pictures from the holopad. Earth was just a wasteland now. Bombs, debris, hiding, scavenging. That's all my life ever was. In fact, I don't remember any other life. Mother said this war has been going on for years, dare she say decades. She and Zack were all I had now. Father had died proudly defending our home planet when I was three years old. At least, that's what I was told. Zack was always avoiding the subject, but that's understandable, he knew father more than I did, they were brothers-in-law, and mother told me they had been best friends. Zack also knew Earth when it was alive. Not a floating rock of junk. I felt envious of him because of that.

“Sergei! Supper's ready!” Mother called from the sorry excuse for a shack. I looked up from the holopad, and my stomach growled.

“I'll be right there!” I closed down the holopad, taking one last look at the picture of a tiger lily, and I stood up. I walked back to the shack, not too quickly, I didn't see the need to rush. As I walked, I looked around. Junk piles littered the plains, and if you didn't look close enough, you'd think my house was a junk pile. The only noises were those of scrap droppers in the distance.

A siren started to call out and terror flared in my heart. Suddenly I didn't have an appetite anymore. The Vrenux were bombing again. And the sirens were all I heard.

I rushed for the shelter, and saw Zack was already in there, looking solemn, like he always did. Mother came in after me, shutting the door, shutting us into total darkness.

I strained my ears, listening for the enemy bombers. I gave up, they were as silent as still air, and the sirens were loud, drowning out any noise. An explosion rattled the ground, making us fall to the ground, something cut my arm and I screamed in pain, but it was drowned out by another explosion.

They never bombed this far out from the city! All there was out here was scavengers and junk piles. No one is important, so why bomb this place?

Then it was still, and I groaned, clutching my arm, my hand was now all sticky and warm liquid smothered it. It smelt rusty now, along with something sweet. And then the sirens sounded the all-clear. I heard a sigh of relief from my mother, but it was hard to focus.

As soon as she opened the hatch, light pouring in, she gasped in shock. I heard rustling and saw two figures over me.

“Calm down, Sergei, you're breathing too fast.” Zack said in a soothing voice, but that just made me more confused. I wasn't breathing fast, was I?

“Oh, Zack, he's sweating.” I felt a hand on my forehead, or did I? I couldn't tell. Oh stars, I felt tired, weak. I shivered, feeling cold.

“Go get the first aid kit, Susan.” Zack’s voice sounded so far away. Did he even talk? Was it my imagination? I heard footsteps- or maybe I didn't- run away then I saw the blurry, but recognizable blob of Uncle Zack.

“Hang in there, kid. Stay alive, alright? I need you to stay alive… we all need you to.”

I tried to say something, I think, but I couldn't say anything past “hrmmugh?” Which isn't a real word. He shushed me and I felt a hand on my arm, well, maybe. I wasn't sure if anything that happened, confused and unfocused. I heard footsteps and the click of a box.

“I'm back, Sergei, hold on… I'll patch you up.” I suddenly felt safe, like a blanket was wrapped around me. Mother's voice did that to me, whether I was sick, scared, or overwhelmed.

“Mom…” I tried to ask her what was wrong, why I felt so confused. But I couldn't say anything more, all I knew was darkness. And my senses were gone.

.    .    .

“Those blasted Vrenux, how did they find us?”

“I mean, he is coming of age, maybe he's easier to sense?”

“That doesn't even make sense!”

“Susan, it's in his blood, and from what we know of these creatures, they can smell out their people by their blood.”

“What's in my blood?” I groggily sat up. I noticed I was in my room now, and I propped myself up against the wall, the rest of my body in my sleeping bag.

“Nothing, dear.” Mother said calmly and Zack sighed.


“Zack…” Mother glared at him and he took the hint. He rolled his eyes but stayed quiet.

“No, mom, I want to know… what were you talking about?” I looked at her expectantly.

“It's all in the past now, nothing to worry about.”

“Mama! Why did the Vrenux bomb the junk plains? Why so close to our house?” I pressed, curious now, sitting more intently.

“Susan, I'm telling him whether you like it or not, he's my nephew and deserves the tru-”

“And he's my son!” That shut Zack back up and he sighed.

“Sorry, kid.” He stood up and walked out of my room. I glanced back at mother, brow furrowed. So many questions raced through my brain.

“How's your arm feeling?” She asked softly. At first I was confused, then I remembered the cut from… was it last night? How long has it been? I looked down at my arm, it was wrapped up in bandages, there was a funny blue color, and I thought maybe it was some salve or something, because I smelt that funny sweet smell.

“It feels alright… I don't feel anything at all, actually.”

“Well then, want to go on a trip to the city with me?” She smiled.

“The city?” We never went to the city, why would we? We had barely any money, we looked like hobos, and we didn't even have one of those key cards that let you into most places. My brow furrowed and I looked at her like she was joking.

“Tomorrow you become a man, Sergei, sixteen! I think I can buy a little treat for you.” She cupped my face in her hands and kissed my forehead.

I was about to protest, but I didn't, I felt safe again. I closed my eyes and sighed, then nodded.

“Alright. I'll come along.” I opened my eyes and smiled. She stood up and helped me stand up.

“Mother… I really am curious though. What were you and Uncle Zack talking about?” I headed for my closet and found my trekking boots. They'd do more good than my everyday, worn-out boots.

I put them on and looked up at her, she had a conflicted look on her face, then shook her head, “someday you'll know, Sergei. But not yet.” She pulled me into a hug and I hugged her back, sighing.


“I love you.” she squeezed me and I felt a little claustrophobic, she noticed this and pulled away.

“I know… I love you too.” I smile softly.

“Now let's go buy you a berrybun.” Mother walked out of my room and I followed after quickly making sure my boots were strapped correctly. I noticed Zack wasn't in the main area of the house, and I thought maybe he was in his room. But when I stepped outside with mother, I saw him standing in the distance, holding something.

I wanted to go and ask him what it was, but mother started to walk towards the city, so I had no choice but to follow her, falling in step by her side.

I don't have a title for this one but yeah, also a favorite of mine >:)

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