I hummed as I turned right on my scooter. I was delivering pizza to 54 Plaza Drive.

And there it was.

And so was a Domino's scooter. In the driveway of the house I was delivering to.

The heck? He looked my way. His helmet showed no expression, but then he took it off and his face showed utter confusion as I pulled in.

Then he tried to lighten the mood, "And we can't pretend to live on different planets, you and me, in this collision of worlds! Watch the new day dawn on a distant shore, in this collision of worlds!" He sang, I took my helmet off and glared at him. "Oh, you can't sit this out no more."

"Isn't that from Cars 2?" I asked, trying to get him to stop.

"Yeah. So, uh, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"... What does it look like, idiot? Delivering pizza!" I scoffed.

"Oh, she's not home by the way. I knocked on the door, rang the bell, and no one answered." He shrugged. "So I'm waiting here for her to come back."

"You don't have any other deliveries?" I asked, even though I hated myself for trying to make small talk.

"Nah. You?"

I shook my head. And he nodded, "cool, cool." He sighed and started to drum his fingers on his scooter handles. I turned mine off, and it got quieter.

I looked around and sighed.

"So, uh, what's Pizza Hut like?" He asked.

"Better than whatever junk you sell." I said snarky.

"Heh…" he sighed. "Can I try a piece? And you try a Domino's slice?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, I don't think we're supposed to eat someone else's order, and I'd rather die than try a slice of your stuff." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh. True." He mumbled. "Well, yeah." Then there was a honking. I looked behind myself and saw a Ford Explorer, so I moved out of the way.

A bit later, a lady a bit older than me hopped out. She looked at both of us, a big smile on her face, "thanks for waiting! It's my son's birthday today and I wanted to get him some pizza." She said cheerfully.

"But why not just choose one company? Like Pizza Hut?" I huffed.

"Oh, our family couldn't choose between the two."  She shrugged.

I went to the back of my scooter and grabbed the box of pizza from the bag. Then I walked up to her. "Well, here." I said, the Domino's delivery guy right behind me. 

"I was thinking…" The lady said, "would you like to stay? Have some pizza? My son always wanted to be a pizza delivery guy." She laughed. I looked at the Domino's person and snarled, "I'm not staying if he's staying."

"I mean, to be honest I am hungry." He shrugged.

And then my stomach imitated a whale call. I blushed, "Well I guess a slice or two… but I'm not going to stay that long." I mumbled and took off my helmet, placing it on my scooter handles.

"Great! Come on!" She smiled. I followed her, the Domino's guy right behind me again. I glared at him all the way into the house. “Im Wendy by the way.” she smiled.

"I'm Nathan." The other guy said.

"Hailey." I said.

"Cool name." Nathan smiled. I rolled my eyes, "stop trying to make small talk. I'm gonna grab a slice, and head out." Then my phone started buzzing, and I looked at who it was.

Lucas, my boss.

"Hello?" I said as I answered the call.

"Yeah, your shift's over, correct? Yeah, yeah, you're free to go, just bring back the scooter." He laughed. I nodded, although he couldn't see me. "Gotcha."

"Just park it in its spot." He said. "See you later!"

"Yup, bye." I said as he hung up.

"Who was that? Your boyfriend?" He teased me.

"Ha ha. My boss. I'm off my shift." I rolled my eyes, then said quietly, "I don't have a boyfriend."

"You seem pretty nice. Don't see why you don't." He said, looking into my eyes as we walked into the dining room.

"Oh, you heard that?" I blushed, then shook my head and looked at Wendy. "Is it ok if I just grab a slice? I have to return the scooter-"

"Of course! As long as you eat something." She grabbed the boxes from our hands and opened them on the table. She handed us both a paper plate.

"Now if you hold on, I need to grab my son." She apologized and headed out of the room.

I grabbed for a Pizza Hut slice, but Nathan pushed my hand to the Domino's box. "ah, ah, ah. You're trying this."

I pulled my hand back and looked at him like he was a psychopath. Which he probably was. "What?!" I scrunch my nose.

He grabbed a slice from the box and plopped it on my plate.

"Ew." I snarled and was about to put it back.

"Please? It's a once of a lifetime chance." He pleaded.

"We shouldn't even be talking."

"It'll probably be the only time anyway." He sighed and looked at the floor. Then he grabbed a Pizza Hut slice and took a bite. I was speechless. 

"Our managers are sworn enemies! They hate each other!" I sputtered.

He shrugged. "This is good." He said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah cuz your stuff tastes like crap." I said, staring at the pizza on my plate.

"You're probably scared." He said.

"Me? Scared? Ha! Just watch me!" I took the pizza and shoved it in my mouth. There was a burst of flavor. And a "mm" escaped my lips.

"See? Not crap." Nathan smiled.

I looked at him and switched my face back to neutral. "I'm full, I think I'm gonna go. Tell Wendy I said thanks."

"Oh, by the way, you have a piece of cheese on your lips." He said.

"What? You do too." But I didn't wipe it off. I don't know what I did, but I was leaning in closer to his face.

"ArE yOu GuYs GoNnA kIsS?!" A little kid asked and I pulled away hastily and looked to see a boy around five years old.

"Uh, no, erm-" I said. "I was just leaving." I rushed. Nathan was staring at me, confusion written all over his face. He grabbed a napkin and wiped his mouth, where I used my sleeve.

"Okay." The kid said teasingly.

"Bye." I said flatly.

"Wait, here!" Nathan shoved a piece of paper into my hand, and I ate up his pizza.

I glared at him, but walked out of the house before seeing what he had given me.

That little sneaky guy had given me his phone number.

I was about to tear the paper, but something held me back. He was just looking for friends… it couldn't hurt, could it? I couldn't tell my boss about it. He was just a friend from… Michigan. Yeah, YEAH. That was the perfect alibi.

I shrugged as I put my helmet on and started the motorcycle. First thing I'd do when I get home is say hi to Nathan.

This was one of the books I wrote while I was bored... Um... Yeah....

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