The end

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*Harry povs*

I can't believe it, after five years, five fucking years it had to end so abruptly.

" you'll have your last show next week" Simon argued with an amusing tone.

" last show next week? How do you expect us to move on like you didn't just ruined our lives again" Louis spoke with a furious tone.

I have never seen Louis like this all frustrated and angered. I wanted to hugged him tell him everything would be okay, but I couldn't. Not after everything.

" fuck off Simon" Niall shouted whilst banging the door and leaving the room. I couldn't blame him to be honest.

" if you guys want to make a shit show you guys go ahead, you became to powerful to control and y'all did what you want without listening to me or the management. This what happens when you don't listen" Simon said with an amused tone.

That's it I couldn't take it anymore, I was furious. Furious about Simon, about everything he made me and the lads endured for the past five years. I didn't want it to end, I loved my job, I wasn't ready to let go.

" we'll that's it we're done, you guys can leave the studio now, don't want to see you guys son of bitches ever again, now go, goodbye one direction".

I was about to hit him in the face, when a hand stoped me from doing so. I recognized this soft hand. " it's no use now, calm down haz" Louis said still rubbing my hands.

Fuck he knows how to calm me down, I looked at his eyes and I couldn't bring myself to hit Simon.
Why am I so weak ?
Harry, you need to stop being so weak

" this was the end" I murmured to myself. Tears forming in my eyes ready to fall and form a river of the stinking memories of the past five years, everything I've been through with Louis, and the lads. " goodbye One direction" I murmured again as I walked towards the door of the gloomy studio.

" fine" I answered Louis. I could see his ocean blue eyes, tearing up.
Breaking my heart even more at the second


Hello everyone!!
I hope your enjoying the first chapter I thought about this plot whilst dreaming.
It's my first fan fict so I don't know if it's good

How unfortunate haha.

Anyways I'll update y'all soon.

Love you guys

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