Harry House

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" Harry, you coming to diner tonight?" Gem asked

" I can't the boys are coming today" I replied back

She nodded and left my room.

There all arriving today for an indefinite period of time. I've spent the day cleaning the rooms and the whole entire house.

" are you going to be okay? Facing him?" Anne asked

I haven't talked to him since that night, since the night he cheated on me again. " leave my house and never come back" I told him. Well I guess he is coming here after all.

" yeah, mom don't worry" I said optimistically

Around an hour later I hear a knock on the door. I pray that it isn't Louis.

I marched towards the large hallway towards the main brown door. I opened it only to see Liam standing there all wet due to the rain. I can't help but laugh.

" come in mate, you wouldn't want to be even more soaked" I said whilst laughing

"Fuck u Harry, I'm more soaked then during a water fight!! Can you imagine" he replied

I close the door behind him. We walked towards the kitchen and living room witch are connected by a small half wall.

" nothing has changed here" Liam said with an astonished tone

" no just remove some things left and right, I'm barely here anyways"

I could feel Liam hands against my back. I turned around and gave him a hug. We hugged for about five minutes.

" I missed you mate" liam said with tears in his eyes.

" me too" i replied

We were quickly joined by Niall and Zayn. Who we both hugged.

" it's been two hours guys, where Lou?" Zayn asked almost panic.

I was wondering myself, where he was. But I didn't want to show that I cared after everything he had done to me.

" who cares" I replied.

We all continued talking and drinking. Waiting for Louis to arrive.

*Louis pov*

I was in London since yesterday in a hotel, I was planning on going to Harry's house but I couldn't bring myself to. He told me to never come back there, so why would I?

Niall: mate where are you?

Louis: I'm in a hotel close to Buckingham palace

Niall: mate come to Harry's

Louis: I can't

I wish I could but I don't think Harry would be happy.

Harry: Louis for god sake, Niall told me you were in a hotel, come to my house now. Please. I give you permission

Louis: ok I'm coming

So I went to the hotel reception asking for a check out and I payed the money to the lady. I then called a cab and departed for Harry house.

Take a deep breath Lou.
It's going to be okay

I knocked on the door. The door I used to open with my own keys. A door I know by heart.

He opened the door, and I went in. He slammed the door behind me and joined the other lads. Leaving me in the hallway. I can hear footsteps approaching.

" Louis!!" Niall screamed whilst taking my arms and pulling me to a hug.

" hey Nail, missed you too lad" I replied back

I then proceeded to joined the other lads in the living room. Nothing as changed. The same sofa, same carpet and the same decorations. All the memories are floating back in me brain.

" we can't let Simon say shit like this on the news" Liam said annoyed. Bringing me back to reality.

" the left cause they were tired. What a fucking lame excuse. It's like if I worked at KFC and left cause I was tired of making chicken. That's just lame" Niall replied back

I couldn't help by laugh.

He rolled his eyes at me.

" sorry, you do love chicken." I replied back with amusement.

" want something to drink Louis?" Harry asked coldly. At least he asked.

" just coke if you have some or tea, I don't drink anymore, thanks" i replied

He looked at me shocked. His wide green majestic eyes opening. He was staring at me but he stopped when I noticed.

" here have some tea" he said

" thanks" I replied back.

We continued taking about the news story and the labels. We also talked about our old memories in one direction and how our life's were going right now.

" H, what do we do for the rooms?" Zayn asked whilst yawning.

" there's four rooms and one is mine so two of you guys have to share" he replied

" Zayn I'll just sleep on the couch. You boys get the bedrooms don't worry about it" I replied

" you sure?" Zayn asked

" yeah I'm used to the couch"

I slept a whole month in the couch, when me and Harry were fighting and when I came home late from bars. I regret that part of my life. I really do. I was shitty to everyone. Especially the person I loved the most.

I was cursing myself.

" are you cursing yourself?" Niall asked

" oh fuck you heard that?! Yeah I was just thinking about something" I replied

I could see Harry expression he knew exactly what I was thinking.

" Louis, what were tou thinking about?" Harry asked

For god sake Harry

" umm, just something to do with the couch" I replied

" umm let me guess, how you slept on it for a month, when we were fighting? I still don't get why you didn't get the guest room" he answered

" yeah, don't know I couldn't go up. I was to hangover" I replied back

" I'll just go to bed now , I'm a bit tired. Thanks for the tea Harry." I said

I was off to the restroom to brush my teeth. Once I was back I placed myself on the couch facing the wall and closed my eyes in hopes that I can sleep. I began to cry.

" Lou, are you crying?" Liam asked

" no Lima I'm fine don't worry about me" I replied

They all went to bed. Well that's what I thought.

Harry was in the kitchen. Cleaning. He then went to the bathroom and walked toward me.


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