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" Louis, you can't just sleep on the couch" Harry said with sympathy

Why he's he being nice?

" I-I want to really, it's not a problem" I replied. Fuck I was looking at his majestic green eyes. A shiver going down my spine . He's beautiful. Really really beautiful. I was about to open my mouth in astonishment. But I control myself.

I have no right to feel happy in this house. I look away from him

" hey, look at me. I'm not allowing you to sleep on the couch."

" But I don't deserve a bed or anything. I just deserve this couch" I answered

He looked at me with pitty. He's goddam eyes.

" stop looking at me like that. I don't understand why your being so nice. If I were you. I'd ignore myself and go to sleep" I say honestly with tears in my eyes

" I've already ignored you for six months.I can't ignore you indefinitely. Especially if we want to make this plan work" he said

" Harry im sorry, for everything. I hope you know that" I said it whilst looking in his eyes. I want him to know I'm being honest

" I know you are sorry. But I can't forgive you. You broke my heart Louis more then once"

Fuck. That hurt my heart. It shattered it to pieces. I began to cry again this time I couldn't stop.

He sat in the couch beside me. Quietly.

" even thought I'm mad, I can't bring myself to hate you Lou" he said with almost shame.

Lou. Back to nicknames.

" I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry" that's all I could say

" why did you do it? Why did you hit me and cheat on me? Just tell me" He asked

I sighted. I owe him an explanation. So I sat up the couch and began recalling the story.

" In that period of time. I wasn't really myself. I've always been insecure but I was more insecure than I ever was before."

He nodded for me to continue

" i didn't know what to do, so I began drinking and cocaine. I know I should have come to you and told you I wasn't feeling well. I had suicidal thoughts. But I thought you'll see me as coward, so I turned into drinking" I added

" Lou you know I would have helped you. I was your goddam boyfriend" he said whilst crying

Fuck he was crying.

" after I began drinking, I changed completely I was more aggressive and lost my temper more easily. I would come home. And all the time you'd ask me why I was drunk. I would hit you. Why the fuck was I hitting you." I said also crying

" so I continued every night going to bars and getting drunk and doing cocaine. It came to a point where I was battling against my own brain" I added

He looked at me with sadness.

" Louis you were breaking everyday and you'd didn't tell me. You became someone I didn't know. Someone I was afraid off" he said whilst holding my hand.

" and so at bars I would fuck people and and I would do so every night" I added

There was a moment of silence. He was just holding my hand and sitting there saying nothing. Absolutely nothing. I felt electricity going thought my whole body at him holding my hand.

" Harry? Are you okay!" I asked holding my breath

" yeah I'm just processing what you just told me. I think deep down, that the drugs controlled you. I think that you weren't even aware yourself of the damage you were causing others. Because you didn't only break me but you broke the boys as well" he added

" I know. After we broke up I decided to go to rehab, that's why I wasn't at some rehearsals. I decided it had to stop. I lost you. I lost the person I loved the most. So I couldn't continue causing pain" I added

" your brave. You know that" Harry added. Leaning closer to me to give me a hug.

I accepted the hug. God I missed his hugs. They gave me comfort and warmth.

" I've missed you Lou. More then you could imagine" he then added as he held me tighter

" I've missed you too hazza" I added

" I don't forgive you for how you treated me, but I appreciate you telling me the truth. I knew you weren't yourself back then. But now your the Louis I know the Louis I've always loved" he added .

" come on, bring your stuff we're going to my room"

" are you sure"

" as I said your the Louis I always loved. And you went to rehab you stopped drinking. You've done so much to become better. And I appreciate that. And for that reason, I think you deserve a second chance"

No fucking way. I smiled and made my way upstairs to the master bedroom. Our bedroom

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