The New Label

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**Louis POV**

The night was long. I couldn't imagine being here in what was once my room.

After we talked in the couch downstairs I followed Harry to the master bedroom. The bed still positioned the same it used to when I we were still together. I look around the wall to witness some pictures of me and Harry hanging throughout the years. There is one of us hugging each other in a half hug whilst smiling at the camera. It had to have been taken within the X-factor days.

I stretch my arm to grab my phone on the bedside table. It reads 6:20 am. I slept for 5 hours. I haven't sleep that well in about months.

" morning" I hear calling beside me. I look up to see Harry eyes slowing opening up and adjusting to the light. I can't help bu smile

" morning H" I reply back.

" today is the day, the day where our plan begins" he says with a glimpse of mischief in is expression.

Harry as rang up multiple labels across London, before we joined him. He came accros Colombia Labels, which turns out to be one of the biggest competitors of Modest and SYCO and ultimately Simon. He rang them to ask for an appointment.

" what time is the meeting again?" I asked

" Lou, we talked about it yesterday. But it's at 2pm" he replied.

I climb of the bed and run downstairs to eat some cereals inside the fridge. Harry joined me soon after, taking a pan and ingredients from the fridge and placing them on the table and begins cooking.

Later that day:

" cmon lads! Where gonna be late" Liam shouts from the door.

" coming coming one sec" Harry yells back

Once we're all out of Harry's house and into the busy streets of London. We begin to walk towards a small cornered cafe in a quiet residential street of London.

We were sat on a brown circled table beside the window with a small wall between our table and the next.

" okay you guys ready?" Harry asked

We all nodded in reply.

A tall man followed by a bunch of middle aged man walked into the cafe. They were coming towards our table. Files in one hand and coffee on the other.

" good afternoon, nice to finally meet you all. My name is Brian. I am the manager of Colombia records" he says before sitting down across from us.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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