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*Harry pov *

" wont you stay till the Am? All my favorite conversation always made in the Am" I can hear my voice through my earphones.

I've been listening to one direction albums for the past week. And here I am at the last song of Made In the Am.

" break these walls and forget about time, there could be a world war 3 starting outside" Niall is singing in my ears.

I've always loved this song, it means so much to me. I wrote it at a time were I couldn't sleep at night, we're thoughts we're going through my head about how I could loose everything I had, I could loose the boys and my career. I always felt like this part of my life was finite.
I guess I was right.

I sight, tears forming in my eyes.

" you know I'm always coming back to these place, ohhh, you know"

And here it came Louis part,his angelic voice singing in my ears. And I couldn't help but cry. God I miss him. Miss him more then anything.



" do you guys know why Simon is calling us so early in the morning?" I asked perplexed at the other boys.
They all nodded a no

" I guess we'll figure it out now"

We open the door to the studio, to see Simon and the rest of teams with evil look in their eyes.

" good morning boys, take a seat" Simon demanded

We all sat around the table facing Simon, his brown hair sticking up. He didn't even bother to clean himself.

" where is Zayn?" He asked

" oh, he's sick, he stayed at the hotel" I replied

" we'll you should have told me sooner"

How the fuck where we supposed to?
I fucking despite this man

" why are we here anyways?" I hear Louis shouting in an irritating voice

" we are terminating your contract" Simon said so casually. " we are ending your careers"

We looked at each others in shocked.

" What the fuck are you saying Simon, you can't do this" I yelled out of my damm lungs.


" Harry, Harry wake up!!" Gem is screaming in my earlobes.

" leave me alone Gem" I shrugged back. Still recovering from that nightmare. It keeps coming back everyday that Damm memory of that morning.

" Harry cmon, Mom wants you to be with us for dinner." Gem said we a gentle sweet voice.

" I'm not hungry" I lied I was desperately hungry.

" I know you are H, cmon down, please"

I ignored her and stayed in bed closing my eyes. When suddenly I am hit by not one pillow but four pillows.

" Gem stop! I'm coming" I said knowing I lost

" I knew you'd come around, no cmon seat up and come down with me"

I reluctantly sat up and joined my sister downstairs to meet my mother.

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