Meeting one of them ?

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A girl was reading a book with so much passion. For her it felt like everything was really happening on this world. She was blushing.

" Finally they get married. But It's so short. " ( pout )

Suddenly she felt like the lights were turning off.

" Hey Miss. Sorry we need to close the library. "

" What do you mean by closing? What time it is? "

She checks her phone and it shows 11p.m

" O my god. I have to go. "

She went to return the book.

" So you are Kim Y/N. "

Y/N nodded with a warm smile.

" I've been seeing you a lot here. You might be a really big lover of books. " The lady smiled back.

" Yes. I love reading. "

" But you should also look upon the time, its already late at night. Be careful when you are going to your home. "

" I'll, Thank you " Y/N bow to the lady and left from there.

Y/N was walking faster as it was really late. The roads were getting empty. Some of the alley were so silent that Y/N could even hear her own breathing sound.

" Aish, I shouldn't have read that much today "

Actually it wasn't even Y/N's fault. Without any friends and parents people like her chose many kinds of habit to keep themselves away from those bitter truth. Only she knows how her days are passing by. But she didn't complain anything. She give her best to make her life easier.

While talking to herself Y/N didn't even noticed that someone was standing right Infront of her. It caused her to bump into that persons hard chest.

" Ouch, Oh I'm so sorry Sir. I was in hurry so I didn't saw. " Then she bow to the Man.

" Be careful Kitten. It's not that safe to stay out at this late night. "

That Man spoke in his cold voice and left from there.

Somehow those words made the atmosphere more scary. Without wasting more time Y/N started to walk back to her home as fast as she could. After 3-4 minutes of walking Y/N finally reached at home. She then went straight to her bedroom. She got freshen up and changed into her comfy PJ'S. She didn't wanted to woke more longer as she have college to attend on the next day, so after changing she fixed her bed and lay down on it.

" That guy from earlier really look like a squirrel but his voice was so scary. Aish Y/N what are you thinking. Just sleep already. "

She turn off the lamp beside her bed and laid down on her comfortable position. Before she even close her eyes she again felt like someone was watching her. This has become a habit now as she always feel like someone was watching her every move, every little step.

" Good night World. "

With a good night wish Y/N drifted into her dream land.

" Good night little kitten. " ( Smirk )

Next day

Y/N woke up from her beautiful sleep by her alarm. With a little lazy body she made her way towards her bathroom to take cold shower. After 20 minutes of cold shower she did her morning routine and selected an outfit for her college.

" I think It's pretty good for this hot weather. "

Y/N's Outfit

Y/N's Outfit

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Then she went downstairs to make her breakfast. She put on her EarPods and started listen to music while cooking. She made pancakes with some cream on it and have a glass of cold juice. She was writing some notes which was shared in her collage group chat while eating. After she was done eating and cleaning those dishes, she headed towards her collage with a bicycle ride.

Time Skip at college

Y/N entered into the hallway of college. All the boys of every section started admire her beauty but she walked away from there as she felt uncomfortable. When she reached at her classroom again there was no one to welcome her but Y/N didn't felt bad. It's not like those students hate her, It's just Y/N never felt comfortable with anyone as they were from high rich family and spoiled kids. So she herself made distance from everyone. Not so long after Y/N took a seat, the teacher come to the classroom and started the lesson.

While teacher was teaching the lessons Y/N couldn't put focus on it as she was again feeling that someone was watching her. She looked around her classroom but none of them were looking or staring at her.

" Y/N is there anything wrong? " The teacher asked being kinda worried about her.

" No Mam. Everything is fine. "

Though she felt scared but she remain calm.

After the college

Y/N was walking back to her home. She thought to take a walk at the nearby park to refresh her mind as she was tired from the classes. She was walking peacefully but all of a sudden she noticed someone. It didn't took her much time to recognize him.

" Mr. Squirrel!!! "

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