Truth behind her past

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Next day at morning

Y/N woke up late from her sleep as it was Sunday means today she don't have college to attend, So she started her morning lately than usual. Right now Y/N was cooking her breakfast. While cooking she started to remember how her mother used to cook food everyday so lovingly. Her mother never got tied of them. She always made sure they have a good meal. Y/N always got her full attention from her parents. But just in a few blinks everything got changed. She was now missing them.

Y/N in mind

" I should visit my mom and dad. It's been a while. "

After she finished cooking and then eating them she went to change. By locking her house door she left and went to the grave yard where her mom, dads graves are.

Time skip at the grave yard

Just by looking at those graves her eyes got teary. She tried her best to not break down but who could hold those emotions. From childhood who has raised her up , who cherished her with so much love , who never let her feel down are now sleeping under the soil without her.

" I wish you were here with me mom, dad. Why you left me all alone. "

She kneeled down Infront of the graves and this time she totally lost her control and started to cry her heart out.


" Aww my kitten is so soft hearted " Hyunjin said with a mimicking face.

" Don't make fun of her Hyunjin Hyung. She is all broken and you are here mimicking her. " Jeongin said while being pissed off.

" Stop being so possessive over her I know much better than you. "

" I still remember how her dad was begging us to leave her alone. " Minho said with a proud smirk on his face.

" Everyone are really fool to even think I will let go of what I'm madly obsessed with. " Bangchan said while folding his arms above his chest.

While other where laughing on Y/N's current situation Seungmin and Jeongin was feeling guilty. They were thinking deeply are they made a big mistake or was that the only way to get her.


Y/N was only 15 years old back then.

" Jin you are doing wrong. It's not safe for our family's future. Please try to understand. A little mistake can take our daughter away from us. " Jisoo was begging Infront of his husband.

" I know how to handle our family. Jisoo please give me those freaking papers as soon as possible. "

" I've burn those papers cause I know you will never listen to me. "

" Jisoo you are lying right. Don't joke around. Do you even know what the fuck you have done? "

" I'm sorry Jin but its enough. You have been with those freaking mafias god knows how much long. Your stupid deal is risking my daughter's life. You have to stop those shitty work. "

" Jisoo those papers were really important. Stray Kids will surely make our life hell. I made deal cause I don't want to give my daughter to 8 fucking Mafias. It was the only way to set our life. But you, YOU FUCKED UP EVERYTHING. CAN'T YOU JUST USE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN BEFORE YOU DO SHITS. "

Jisoo become totally silent. Her body started to shake with the fear of losing her daughter. She tried to speak but her words came out as a whisper.

" Jin please save our daughter. "

" Pack your things. We have to run away. Go Jisoo go. We need to leave this place before the sun rise. "

" Running away from us wouldn't be a good idea my father-in-law. " Bangchan said while entering the living room.

Y/N's Dad winded his eyes...

" Sir please forgive us. Just one more chance. Please leave our daughter alone. "

" No it was cleared that if you do any mistake you have to gave us your precious daughter. " Hyunjin said while a maniac smirk was visible on his face.

" When we come here for Y/N you said the same thing that you would do anything but see you can do nothing " Changbin said while he was kinda pissed off.

" Call her right now. " Minho spoke with his deep scary voice.

When they were talking Jisoo without being noticed got the smoke bomb and throw it to the living room. Within a second the room fill with the smoke everywhere. Jin and Jisoo took this chance to escape with their daughter. After they left the house they drove the car at the maximum speed. But their fate was not with them. The car got hatted by a truck.

The truck driver was none other than SKZ member...Han

" Escaping from us was really not a good idea my In-laws. "

Then he step out from the truck and went straight to where Y/N was. He got her out from the car. Before she passed out she saw the blurry face of Han. He took her to the Hospital as soon as he got her out of the car.


Other Stray Kids members also reached where the accident was caused.

" Don't do this. You will never lead a happy life. '' Jin said while breathing heavily.

" Sorry in-laws but its time for you both to say good bye to the world. " Felix said with a creepy smile on his face.

Then he set up the bomb around the car. When he was done setting those bomb around the car. He hold the remote in his hand.

" Aish never thought I've to kill my in-laws. "

He then press the button on the remote. In a blink of eyes the car got destroyed fully.

" Lets go to the hospital. Kitten has been taken to the emergency room. " Changbin said while walking towards the car.

At Hospital

Y/N was in a really critical situation . The rest of SKZ members were sitting outside worried for their love. Every second that were passing was making their tension increase but there was no sigh of any doctor who could at least console them. After more than 3-4 hours, finally a doctor came to them

" Don't worry she is out of danger now but she need to rest a lot. "

" Can we go inside? " Jeongin said really eager to see her love.

" Not now but after 2-3 hours you can visit her. "

Then the doctor left from there.

" What do you think guys should we take her with us, cause Y/N is still a minor. " Changbin said being not sure what to do next.

" Hyung let Kitten turn 18 or 19. cause we all know she can't handle this much pressure. " Jeongin said trying to convince the oldest one.

Bangchan thought for some minutes.

" Let's give her to our well known care taker Rose. We will get her when she will become an adult. "

Jeongin sighed in relief and looked at the window where Y/N was unconsciously laying on the bed .

" I'll wait for you. "

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