Chapter Three

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My eyes shot open in an instant.

"It was just a dream," my wolf Vera soothed me. I looked around me and the dark walls of the cave reminded me of the events of the ceremony. Beginning to hyperventilate I tried focusing on the crack of light opening up to the sunrise. I allowed my wolf's words to console me and began getting ready to move on. I needed to keep traveling away from my pack.

When I stepped out of the cold embrace of the cave and into the sunlight the sage on my forearm caught my eye. Only now there was an angry scar surrounded by the willow leaves that had wrapped around the damaged skin attempting to heal it.

Vera had been wrong. That had not been a dream, that was a very clear message from the Alpha, right before he closed off the pack link. Returning to my pack would never be an option

Not having another option or idea of where I was going, I continued the journey south based on where the sun had risen to the east. Not wanting to survive a cold winter, I knew that I would eventually want to be south.

I allowed Vera to guide me throughout the day. Traveling would be very dangerous. As a rogue, I would be a perceived threat to packs. Vera had the instinct to guide us away from packs.

Using a trick I had read about I attempted to rub my scent off with Juniper bark. Although I could still tell that the scent had not completely disappeared, this was better than the red flag that my new rogue scent was surely giving off.

We continued our journey and stopped only at night for dinner. After dinner Vera would find a small cove or I would climb a tree careful to not be near anyone.

The juniper continued to work for weeks to come. It was now the height of summer and I had fallen into a rhythm with the day cycle. Although, I was still uncertain where I would end up the routine of each day gave me comfort. As the summer progressed I began letting Vera play more in the afternoons rather than continue in the heat of the day. Our progress has slowed immensely, but we had a four months before winter would be a concern.

Today we happened to stop near the peak of a mountain range. There was a lake with crystal water that perfectly reflected the landscape and the sky. Without hesitation, Vera burst into the cool water and gasped as it hit her chest.

We both laughed and floated for a while. Then she carefully got out of the water and shook, spraying the surroundings.

Without any warning, I felt a figure pounce. Their crushing weight slammed into my much smaller wolf. A dead animal smell engulfed me as the wolf began attacking.

Vera lept into action attacking the wolf back. Their black and grey fur was matted and patchy, it was clear that the wolf had been a rogue for a while. Vera clawed and I felt their flesh scrape against her paw. There was red everywhere though it was impossible to see where the blood was coming from. I felt as their teeth dug into our leg and the burning pain exploded. Vera yelled out in pain and continued to thrash until she felt their teeth around our neck. She knew that she would have to submit or give up our life.

Stubborn as always Vera refused to quit and I knew that it would all end soon. Suddenly another solid grey wolf came out of the shadows and began to attack the other rogue. In an instant, the dark rogue died leaving Vera shaking on the ground.

Vera attempted to run away, but had no energy left. I shifted back as she gave me control.

I looked at my severely damaged leg and knew that even with the fast healing of a werewolf, this would take a week to heal. This was a week I did not have. Without being able to catch food or defend myself I was as good as dead.

The grey wolf began licking and cleaning the wound. Although confused and frightened, I had no energy left to fight.

When he was satisfied with his work the wolf shifted to his human form.

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