Chapter Eight

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When I woke up the next morning Alpha Ronan had disappeared. There was still a slight indent in the bed beside me, the only reminder that what had happened was real, and I had not dreamed that Alpha Ronan and I had slept together.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and placed my feet on the cool wood floor. Slowly getting out of bed, I worried that Alpha Ronan would burst through the door if I made the wrong sound.

Conflicted feelings of Alpha Ronan swirled in my head. His sea-blue eyes crashed violently within my memory. He was a hurricane that would occasionally offer a calm in the storm only to be met with more confusing and cold actions right after.

As I got up I noticed a dress laid out for me to wear. It was a simple light blue dress that went down to the knees and had a high neckline. No one else wore dresses like this within the pack from what I had seen. Instead, I opted to wear my T-shirt and shorts. Why had someone picked this out for me? What was going on within this pack? Maybe Alice would be able to offer more insight I thought as I got dressed.

When I walked out of the room, I realized that I did not know anyone else, or where anything was. The only tour I had been offered was when Alpha Ronan wordlessly brought me up to the bedroom. I slipped out of the door and carefully sniffed the air, hoping to avoid the Alpha altogether. Of course, I wanted to be around my mate, the pull between us was undeniable, but our interactions always left me in pain.

"Umm excuse me, could you tell me where I could find Alice?" I asked the first pack member who walked by. The young male was fidgeting and nervously looking up towards the stairs.

"Yes, let me take you to her," he responded quickly. Silently, he guided me through the house and to a small infirmary. "She will greet you here," and in an instant, he left.

I looked around noting the documented herbs and their healing powers that my pack never had access to. I was instantly drawn to the poisonous plants in the area and their anecdotes. Flipping through pages and observing their methods I lost track of time and forgot all about my mission.

"That one is the worst," I heard Alice say from behind me. She was also observing the page that had caught my eye. This plant could take a wolf away leaving the person behind. Without a wolf, they would never survive a winter if the depression and anxiety did not kill them first. I shuttered at the thought. "It's so good to see you!"

I turned around relief evident in my eyes in seeing a familiar face. She embraced me tightly before letting go and smiling softly towards me. "Alice what is happening?" I said skipping the small talk and context of what had been happening.

She looked at me with confusion and sadness swirling in her eyes. Before she could ask for clarification I stated, "The Alpha rejected me." Sobs tore through my body and I slid down to the ground sitting with my head nested in my hands. I was unable to get anything else out, the confusing time that we had spent together.

Alice sat down next to me and embraced her arm around me, resting her head on my shoulder. I sobbed more at the contact. Although we had not known each other for long, this felt natural.

When I finally could control my breathing again I stated, " Alpha Ronan met me as a rogue, he seemed to be the first male in my life who was genuine in their interaction. However, when we got to the pack house it was clear that my past as a rogue was a barrier for him. He rejected me, and I left. Now he has made it clear I can't leave, but this doesn't change the past. I was still a rogue, and he is still disgusted by my past." I breathe out, relieved to have the events of the past day hanging in the air.

"I'm sorry," is all Alice managed to say at first. After some thought, she said, "Did you accept his rejection?"

"No," I shook my head in response. I had forgotten that I would need to accept the rejection. With those final words, I would be able to leave. Was that what I wanted? Should I fight for a mate who clearly could not tell if he wanted me or not?

"Do you want to stay with him?" Alice asked, echoing the questions that were ringing in my head.

"Yes," I stated softly, "he's my mate, my other half. I left my pack to honor the moon goddess instead of staying with someone who was not mine." Another tear trickled down my face.

"I have an idea then," Alice sang as a mischievous look crossed her face.

For the next half hour, Alice and I talked about medicine and ideas that we had been thinking of while she prepared a tea.

"This is an old recipe," Alice finally stated placing the tea in front of me, "I have used it one other time in similar circumstances."

I took a whiff of the tea and its bitter smell swirled in my nose, "What is its use?" I questioned.

"This will," she paused, "enhance your natural smell, the Alpha will not be able to resist you. However, you will also have to be more careful around unmated males," Alice smiled. "When the Alpha smells you he will realize the mistake he has made and there will be no denying the natural pull he feels for you."

"Okay," I stated as I hesitated smelling the tea again. Then without second thought I greedily gulped down the entire drink. I felt the bitter warm liquid glide down my throat igniting a fire in my core. Tears emerged from my eyes as I coughed the rest of the tea down.

"Feeling okay?" Alice questioned out.

I gave it a moment then responded, "Yeah, I am ready to meet the Alpha again."

Alice laughed and gripped my hand in hers, "Let's go then." She quickly led me out of the infirmary and towards the packhouse. When we got there I reluctantly said goodbye and she embraced me in a hug," It will be okay," she whispered in my ear.

"I know," I said making an effort to smile which failed to reach my eyes. Then I stepped through the packhouse door. Without the warmth of the sun or Alice, the mood had completely changed. Despite being well decorated, the pack house had a hollow feeling.

On shaky legs I climbed the stairs, this time I actively sought out the Alpha's scent. Despite my best efforts I could not find it and began making my way back outside unsure of what else to do. On my way out I passed a door that held laughter within.

My wolf took over in a moment and swung the door open violently to my horror. Inside was Alpha Ronan his hair was wild and his cheeks were crimson red as another female sat across from him. The smell that poured out of the room was undeniable. This female was courting my male.

"I Thea, reject you Alpha Ronan" My firm words rang out in the silence that my presence had created.

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