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Towards the end of the day, when your family was getting ready to head out, you felt content with yourself. Having spent the morning with Jongho and Wooyoung really brightened up your day. Getting the chance to speak to people outside of the customers and your family gave you a feeling of fulfillment. Or possibly it could have been the fact that you enjoyed the attention the boys gave you. Not like it was crossing your mind much.

Seonghwa was cleaning up the bar as usual, the Thursday evening settling in as more people trickled in and out groaning about Friday being tomorrow. Jongho had been moving about, waiting for Seonghwa to finish up before they left to meet up with the others. Yeosang had also been finishing up his work, the day coming to an end for them all.

You helped Seonghwa wash and dry dishes, carefully taking them from the handsome man and placing them onto the rack. Jongho glanced over all of you, making small talk to have the time pass faster.

"Don't let Wooyoung scare you." He had said to you. "He's all bark no bite."

The topic of the extroverted man was brought up when Seonghwa had asked how your day went. Jongho had been the one to tell him they had run into the member, which prompted a worried Seonghwa to ask if it had been okay for the boy to go out alone. Jongho then went on to say it had been the captain who told him to go out.

From there, Jongho had begun the conversation about how Wooyoung wanted to meet the girl personally. It caused Seonghwa to laugh and point out that being rejected wasn't really something Wooyoung was used to. At least not when it came to women.

"Who said I was scared?" You grinned.

"Wooyoung is the last one you should be scared of." Seonghwa snorted, wiping down the counter when he finished with the glasses.

"Who's the first?" You asked, tilting your head.

"I think you know the answer." The man hummed.

The blue haired man suddenly popped up in your head, causing you to go stiff for a moment. There wasn't a moment you wouldn't spend your day idly moving about and catching sight of the wanted posters stapled around. Every time you saw the large hat the picture of Mingi had you would immediately be reminded of the man. You also hadn't taken notice but there was also a wanted poster for the captain. However from what you could notice it seemed to be of lesser crimes compared to Mingi.

You knew no one was going to be able to notice them if they were to dress differently. A wanted drawing poster wasn't the same as a still picture that was able to capture their actual looks. Really it did them no justice, the only noticeable aspects were what they wore and maybe some features. But honestly if you were to pass them on the street you wouldn't assume they were outlaws if they dressed like citizens.

Thinking about the two you were reminded of the others you had yet to speak to properly. Yunho has been staying the same amount as Jongho but compared to the younger male, you hardly saw him much. He spent most of his time conversing with the captain which led you to think he was the second in command of sorts.

San was a quiet man from what you got every time you saw him. He did what he was told and followed instructions with a neutral facial expression. However from the time you had worked with him on Mingi, you could remember his busted up knuckles that had long time scars. Compared to everyone else, he looked to be the most frightening with an attitude that clearly did not take anything from others.

"When can I go?" You spoke up.

"Go where?" Jongho asked, sipping on his drink.

"To meet you all." You explained. "Properly."

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