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It didn't take long for the town to find the camp the boys were staying in. They weren't that far from the outskirts, so it was clear the camp would be found on the first day. With the search party going on the following day, Jongho and Yunho were too busy helping out with the hunting.

You were still too panicked to leave the hotel, but you knew that the morticians were there the morning you woke up with Seonghwa taking the bodies. Yeosang and Seonghwa had tried to keep you inside, worrying you'd go into a worse state. The patch on your neck was explained to your parents that you had gotten bit by a spider.

After that, your family began to worry and make sure you were okay. They could easily see how shaken up you were, chalking it up to knowing that people died close by. While the town had other crimes happening, it was the first time something like that happened so close by, which worried your family.

For the next couple of days, they decided it would be best to have everyone go home and have no night shifts. The guests were just going to have to wait until the morning to ask for something. They were right in doing that anyway, seeing as the town decided to put up a curfew for a few weeks. At least until they knew the outlaws were gone or dead.

Seonghwa and Yeosang tried their best to keep you from getting too worried over the boys. They knew you were getting anxious as each day passed and both Yunho and Jongho didn't come back to say the city had gotten past the search. You knew it wasn't going to be easy, you hoped the boys were smart enough to leave a trail of where they might have gone. But you wouldn't know anytime soon.

It was the third day of waiting for news from either or when you were anxiously sitting at the front desk. Yeosang was keeping you company, attending to his duties. When you heard people marching up on the patio of the hotel, your eyebrows pulled together as the sheriff waltz into the hotel.

You had already given your statement and so had Seonghwa. In order to not have you involved, both of you had explained that all you heard were the gunshots and had looked out through the window for fear of getting hit with a bullet. After you deemed it safe, Seonghwa had left to find the bodies and alert the officers staying at the inn.

That was the story you both came up with and made sure you knew what to say. Just in case you guys even came up with a story of what you did afterward. However, there wasn't much else you could give. They only needed to know how Seonghwa found the bodies.

"Sheriff." You greeted, watching as the man came closer to the front desk.

"(Y/N)." He politely greeted. "We're going to need you to come down to the station." He had told you.

You only looked at him confused, but nodded anyway. "Tell my parents that I had to go to the station." You spoke to Yeosang.

"I'll go with you." Yeosang spoke up, walking around the desk to follow after you.

"That won't be needed, young man." The sheriff shook his head. "We only need (Y/N)."

"She already gave her statement." Yeosang frowned. "What else do you need her for?" The man knew that both you and Seonghwa had told the exact same story, having been there for both of the questioning. He was skeptical as to why the sheriff only needed you and not Seonghwa either.

"What's going on here?" Your father questioned. Seonghwa suddenly came from the saloon area, eyes going over to Yeosang inquiring. Your mother came down from the stairs, some bedsheets in hand.

"Nothing. Sheriff Hendrick just needed me to go down to the station." You spoke up, looking up at Yeosang. "It's fine really."

"My daughter was shaken up by the incident. You already questioned her and got the story. What more do you need?" Your father frowned.

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