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The two grotesque and repulsive creatures are now advancing towards me. They are their menacing fangs, and a sickly green liquid, like saliva, drips from their mouths.

These hideous beings are clashed, their eyes filled with avarice as they fixate on me. I summon every ounce of strength I have left, managing to evade their vicious attacks. Desperation courses through my veins, as I am acutely aware that a single bite from their sharp fangs would inflict excruciating pain.

"Thankfully, I succeed in eluding their relentless pursuit. "You might as well surrender and be grateful to serve as our meal for the night," the taller goblin taunts, a wicked grin spreading across its face. "Indeed, don't be stubborn and spare us the trouble of chasing you," adds the smaller goblin.

"Do you take me for a fool, like you two repulsive creatures? Why would I willingly offer myself to satiate your filthy, ravenous appetites? I refuse to surrender and become a victim," I retort defiantly, my voice filled with determination.

Once again, I narrowly evade their lunges and swipes. However, while dodging their attacks, my foot stumbles upon a sharp stone, causing a deep gash. Blood begins to flow instantly, staining the ground crimson.

"The scent is intoxicating. We've struck gold by finding you," the smaller goblin remarks, its voice dripping with anticipation. I find myself lying on the ground, my injured foot preventing me from standing. I survey my surroundings and realize that I am cornered, trapped by these two monstrous creatures.

I muster all my remaining strength in an attempt to rise, but my efforts prove futile. "Is this the end for me?" I whisper to myself, a sense of resignation washing over me.

"Just accept your fate and be our delectable meal, hahaha," mocks the smaller goblin. I close my eyes, bracing myself for the worst.

But minutes pass, and I feel no pain. I wait for another minute, but their taunting voices are eerily absent. Slowly, I open my eyes, cautiously scanning the vicinity. To my astonishment, the two goblins are nowhere to be found. They have vanished without a trace.

A wave of confusion and relief washes over me as I struggle to comprehend what just happened. I search the surroundings, but there is no sign of their presence. It is as if they were mere figments of my imagination, a fleeting nightmare that has dissipated into the ether.
"I believe you should express some gratitude for my intervention. I caused those creatures to disappear, thereby saving you," a deep, resonant voice resonates from behind me.

As I turned around, my eyes were met with the sight of a strikingly handsome man. He stood before me, confidently wearing a vibrant green skirt that accentuated his strong and sculpted legs. His upper body was bare, allowing me to admire his well-defined muscles and toned physique.

"Who are you? Why did you help me? I don't believe we've met before," I questioned, curiosity and confusion filling my mind.

"I am Casimir, a Fae," he introduced himself, his voice carrying a hint of mystery. "You have found yourself in our realm, a place beyond the human world. It is here that I detected the alluring scent of strawberries and wood emanating from you."

The male fae exhibited a remarkable handsomeness that entranced all who beheld him. His features were striking, characterized by finely sculpted cheekbones, a strong and defined jawline, and eyes that gleamed with a mysterious depth.
His hair cascaded in waves of ethereal beauty, a mesmerizing blend of golden and silver strands. Every gesture he made exuded an innate grace and elegance, further enhancing his captivating allure.

"I am Lily, a werewolf," I introduced myself, my voice laced with a sense of unease and urgency. "Through a twist of fate, I found myself inadvertently trapped within the confines of this colossal tree. Outside, a devastating pandemic is rapidly spreading across our realm. Any species that comes into contact with the virus becomes infected, experiencing a dreadful transformation. Their once vibrant eyes turn pitch black, a constant stream of saliva drips from their mouths, and an insatiable hunger for flesh consumes them."
He stared at me, his expression a mix of surprise and disbelief, his face frozen in a state of shock.

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