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As the ground shook once more, I found myself tightly held in Cassimir's embrace. Amidst the chaos, a wave of embarrassment washed over me, realizing my seemingly shameless behavior. The repeated earthquakes and the sense of impending danger made me acutely aware of the turmoil this realm was going through. The situation seemed dire, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and concern for what lay ahead.

"Are you feeling comfortable in my embrace, Lily?" Cassimir asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. "You should have said something earlier."
I looked up at his face, still holding onto his chest with my hands. His expression showed a mix of care and understanding, assuring me that my comfort was his priority.

Feeling the intensity of the ground shaking, I quickly pulled away from Cassimir's body, a sense of urgency filling the air. Uncertain of what was happening, I watched as Cassimir spoke up, suggesting that he would check the window to see what was happening outside.

The situation was becoming increasingly alarming, and we both felt the need to assess the situation and ensure our safety.
As Cassimir looked out the window, he observed a disturbing sight.

"There is a black mist outside," he informed me, his voice filled with concern. The presence of such an ominous phenomenon only added to the growing sense of unease and uncertainty in the realm.

Curiosity compelled me to move closer to Cassimir and join him in looking outside. As I gazed at the scene before me, I was left dumbfounded by the sight of the dark mist floating in the air.

Its presence seemed eerie and foreboding, casting an unsettling atmosphere over the surroundings. The gravity of the situation became even more apparent, and a sense of urgency filled the air.

"We need to evacuate to a land that has not been affected by the pollution. We should prepare and leave right away," Cassimir expressed his worry, quickly gathering essential supplies such as food and water.

Wanting to assist him, I offered my help in preparing his belongings. However, Cassimir kindly insisted that I rest and not overexert myself. He expressed his concern for my well-being, emphasizing that he would take care of the preparations.
His caring words resonated with me, and I reluctantly agreed to take a moment to rest, trusting in his ability to handle the situation.

As I rested on his bed, I couldn't help but steal glances at Cassimir. I noticed his handsome appearance and well-built physique, which caught my attention.
A fragrant scent, reminiscent of flowers, seemed to emanate from him, adding to his allure.

The combination of his physical features and captivating aroma created an undeniable attraction that I found myself drawn to.

Although I initially pictured Cassimir as having a sickly body, my perception shifted when he removed his white shirt. To my surprise, his physique revealed a body that was perfect in my eyes.
The sight of his well-toned form ignited a sense of admiration and desire within me, deepening the connection between us.

"Cassimir, how old are you now?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"I am 22 years old," he replied, a mischievous wink accompanying his words. "And just so you know, I don't have any romantic affiliations with anyone of any gender." His playful demeanor added a hint of intrigue to our conversation.

"How do you feel about living alone in this house? Are you content with this lifestyle?" I inquired, genuinely curious about Cassimir's perspective.

"Well, Lily, I have grown accustomed to being alone and not relying on anyone," Cassimir replied, his voice carrying a sense of self-sufficiency.
It seemed that he had found a certain comfort in his solitude, embracing a lifestyle that allowed him independence and self-reliance.

"Just rest for now, Lily. I will make sure to prepare everything," Cassimir assured me, his voice filled with care and concern.

"Okay, Cassimir," I responded, acknowledging his request. Feeling the weariness wash over me, I closed my eyes, allowing the darkness to envelop me as I drifted into a deep sleep.

The anticipation of what lay ahead weighed on my mind, but for now, rest was necessary to gather strength for the journey ahead.

As I drifted in my sleep, I suddenly felt the gentle touch of lips against my forehead. Startled, I opened my eyes, only to find Cassimir's handsome face leaning close to mine.

The surprise of his affectionate gesture caused my heart to flutter, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and comfort in his presence.

Feeling a mix of embarrassment and confusion, I couldn't help but question Cassimir's sudden and forward behavior. "What are you doing? Why did you kiss me?" I asked, my eyes fixed on him, searching for an explanation.

Cassimir's expression turned remorseful, resembling that of a sad puppy.
"I thought you looked tempting, Lily, but I apologize for my rudeness," he admitted, his voice filled with regret. It seemed that he had acted impulsively, driven by his desires, and now regretted his actions.

"Okay, I forgive you," I responded, my tone firm yet forgiving. "But you will be punished for your shameless behavior," I added, looking directly into his eyes with a determined gaze.
Though I had forgiven him, it was important to establish boundaries and ensure that he understood the consequences of crossing them.

We made the necessary preparations for our journey, determined to escape from the spreading black mist that threatened the realm. However, amidst the preparations, a sense of worry crept into my mind.

I couldn't help but think about Edward and how he would be affected by my sudden disappearance. The thought of leaving him saddened weighed heavily on my heart, adding a layer of concern to our already perilous situation.

As we embarked on our journey, we found ourselves walking towards a dark forest, the eerie silence enveloping us.

Cassimir carried a lamp that provided a faint but comforting glow, illuminating our path through the darkness. The light from the lamp offered a sense of security, guiding us through the unknown and instilling a glimmer of hope in our hearts.

As we walk into this green but turn-black forest. A black kind of jelly with red eyes. Suddenly attacked in our direction.

As we ventured deeper into the forest, its once vibrant greenery now tainted by darkness, a sudden attack startled us. A black, jelly-like monster lunged towards us, its intentions malicious. However, just as the monster approached, a green vine emerged from Cassimir, swiftly striking the creature with a forceful blow.
It became evident that the green vine was a manifestation of Cassimir's power, serving as a formidable defense against the encroaching darkness.

As the black monster was struck by Cassimir's green vine, it released a cloud of red smoke that enveloped us
. Surprisingly, the smoke carried a fragrant aroma, enticing to the senses. While inhaling the scent, we watched in astonishment as the black jelly-like monster dissolved into nothingness, vanishing into thin air.
The mysterious disappearance left us momentarily bewildered, unsure of what had just transpired in the wake of the fragrant smoke.

Suddenly, Cassimir collapsed unconscious on the ground, his cheeks flushed with a fever. A wave of concern washed over me as I hurriedly knelt beside him, assessing his condition.

It was evident that he was unwell, and his fever indicated that something was seriously wrong. In this dire situation, I knew that immediate action was necessary to ensure his well-being.

I feel a sudden heat in my stomach down to my thing between my legs.

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