The Radio getting accustomed to the Apple

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It has been 2 months after the battle with Adam, Alastor's wound still hasn't healed, even though it hurts, he hasn't told anyone, not even Rosie. Lucifer has seen Alastor roaming the halls in pain, even though they hate each other, Lucifer still can't stop but worry. Not that he cares or anything, it's only because Alastor is Charlie's business partner... right?

"Alastor!" Charlie beamed, "Guess what!" 

Alastor could barely breathe from how painful his wound is, even after 2 months his wound hasn't healed. This is because when angelic weapons pierce a sinner, the magic of the angelic weapon still stays in the body to remind the sinner of the consequences of their sins. 

"What's the big news, demon Belle?" He asked in a breathless voice, "Are you okay, Alastor?" Charlie asks sincerely while putting her hand on Alastor's shoulder

"I'm completely fine! Now what were you talking about? Some big news, I assume?" Alastor replies. 

"Heaven is asking to see the patrons of the hotel! They want to see how the patrons can get a change of heart! Isn't that great?!" She said excitedly.

"Now that's just fabulous! I assume that Vaggie, Cherri, Angel Dust and Husker shall be going with you? I don't think that Nifty will be going, as she'll most likely stab the Elder Angels..." Alastor says chuckling. 

"Yeah" She chuckles nervously "Anyways so it'll be you, my Dad and Nifty at the hotel, but I think Husk and Angel will probably ask if they can bring Nifty too, so that means...." Charlie trails off nervously

Alastor's face turns to disgust, "So it'll be me and your Father left in the hotel, correct?" He asks.

"Al, I know you don't exactly see eye-to-eye with my Dad-"

"That's because he's too short" Alastor mutters under his breath.

"But just this once, could you try to get along? Pleaseeeeeeeee" Charlie pleads, using her puppy eyes.

"Fine, I'll tolerate your Father for the day. But I swear if he starts having tantrum about Lilith leaving him, I swear-" Alastor proclaims

"Alastor, cut him some slack, please. Anyways we're going now, bye Al!"

"Goodbye, safe travels, my dear!" Alastor waved. Finally, Alastor could stop the façade of him being okay, the second Charlie and the others left he wobbled to the bar and had almost fallen while trying to sit down, Alastor groaned in pain as he sat down, a few seconds later Lucifer had left the elevator, Alastor heard him exit the elevator and was annoyed since he had to turn the façade back on. 

"Where is everyone?" Lucifer asked confused. 

"They all went to a meeting in heaven" Alastor answering Lucifer's question.

"And why didn't you go?" Lucifer crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

"My Satan, you are quite curious, aren't you? Anyways, to answer your question, I didn't go, as I have no intention of redeeming myself. Happy with your answer?" Alastor explained sarcastically. 

"Yeah, I am quite happy with the answer to my question, thanks" Lucifer remarked.

Out of nowhere, Alastor starts coughing blood, "Shit... this isn't good" Lucifer turns around and see's Alastor's hand covered in "Holy fuck... Al, what happened?" Lucifer asked, but before Al could say anything he fell, "OH FUCK-" Lucifer exclaimed, Lucifer took Alastor and brought him to his room.

In Alastor's room, Lucifer had taken off Alastor's button down, that's when Lucifer saw Alastor's wound, even for the King of Hell who has endured worse this was serious, "The battle was two months ago, how hasn't it healed yet?" Lucifer remembered what happened with Lilith, when she got attacked by an angelic weapon, she had to consume angelic blood to be able to heal. This was terribly uncomfortable for Luci, since Lilith couldn't simply bite into Luci, for Lilith to be able to consume the blood she had to have it in a glass, so Luci had to pierce himself every night. Luci didn't like doing it at all, he would rather have someone just bite into him, as it was more pleasurable for him as well.

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