In bad shape

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Charlie is still confused about what happened with Emily, she's shaking her leg and biting her lip, that's something she does when she's nervous, Vaggie notices this and walks over to Charlie, "Hey babe," Charlie looks up, "Are you okay Charlie? I can see that you're nervous, what happened?" Vaggie is concerned for Charlie, the last time she did this was when she was opening the hotel for the first time. 

"Oh yeah! I'm fine, sorry for making you worry babe, you're the best. I can't imagine my life without you." Charlie is sweet-talking Vaggie at this point. Lucifer is at the bar and just admires how much his daughter loves her girlfriend. "I raised her well.".

"Yes you did." Alastor appears out of nowhere and puts his hand on Lucifers shoulder.

(Okay, sorry for doing this but in every animation with Lucifer in it, he always has to walk, he can't teleport which is weird because at the end of episode 5, Lucifer kind of does the same thing Alastor does when he turns into a shadow, but Lucifer turns into sand, I guess? Leave your opinions <3)

Lucifer never likes when Alastor comes out of the shadows. He likes knowing where everyone is, Angel is at work, Husk is at the bar, Vaggie and Charlie are sweet-talking each other, Nifty is squashing bugs and Cherri is having a turf war with a low-class overlord. But Alastor? He can never figure out where he is, he wants to put a cowbell on Alastor at this point. 

Wait, but how did Alastor know what Lucifer was thinking? Is he... A MIND-READER?! Nah, he's just really good at guessing what people are thinking. He even knew that Nifty was sad because Charlie said that she could not stab Angel dust just because he was 'a type of spider', so he gave Nifty a box of live cockroaches, Nifty was ecstatic. I must say, he is really good a being a father figure to Nifty and Charlie. 

Lucifer doesn't know how to reply, so he just smiles at the demon, "He sure is pretty~" Lucifer quickly shakes his head, "What are you thinking?! You have a loving wife, that has been gone for 7 years..., does this count as a divorce? If I got a divorce, would we get shared custody of Charlie? Wait, no, I'm pretty sure shared custody is for children 18 and below. I don't really know, wait, what was I saying? OO, I SHOULD WATCH HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS AND LOVE ACTUALLY, THOSE ARE GREAT MOVIES! Wait, what was I saying again? Hmm, who cares!"

Lucifer then heads up to his room, he's wearing just his black boots, white pants and a white see-through-ish linen blouse. Alastor notices the King heading up, while he's going up he sees something on the King's back, they look... like scars? Why does the King of Hell have scars? He's the strongest entity in all of Hell, who gave him those scars. It's tempting to find out, but he respects the King's boundaries ever since they got closer, or is it just too tempting?

"Knock knock knock" Alastor's curiosity got the best of him, he just has to know how the King of Hell, the strongest entity in all Hell, well, he is the ruler of Hell, but still? "Char-char, I'm a bit busy right now!" 

You can hear Lucifer shout from his room, it sounds like he's in pain, Alastor is worried, why? Even he doesn't know why he's worried. Alastor shloops through the crack of the door, "Not Charlie, guess again-" Alastor walks in with a smile, but then that smile immediately fades after seeing what he saw (I know he is incapable of not smiling but, you could tell that first he was happy, and now he is just rethinking his life choices). 

What Alastor saw would make Charlie scream so loud that even heaven could hear her. But luckily, Alastor was quieter than Charlie. 

It was Lucifer, his linen button down was taken off. All of his 6 wings had opened, they were in bad shape in needing of preening, if the wings weren't preened soon, he wouldn't have the ability to fly again. Plus, all of his back wound had opened. There was blood streaming down his back, the wings were covered in blood. When Lucifer saw that Alastor entered the room, he tried to use his wings to cover his back, but it didn't work, even if he tried to, you could still see all the blood streaming down his back. 

"I told you not to come in, didn't I...?" Lucifer has tears pouring down his face, a few seconds ago he was okay, what happened?

"Luci, what happened... a few seconds you were okay?" The Radio Demon who 'never had any heart' cared, Alastor slowly walks over to Lucifer who was sitting on his bed. He then gets on his knees in front of Lucifer who is currently sitting on the edge of his bed, he takes his hands and gently kisses them. "What happened, my poor darling?~" 

Lucifer, being in a vulnerable state, uses his wings to protect himself. After seeing this reaction, Alastor knew he had to be careful or else he might trigger another fight-or-flight reaction. "May I help with your wounds, I don't want to see you in this state." 

After hearing this, Lucifer looked up with a shine in his eyes. For Alastor, this seemed like a yes, so he did. He quickly took rubbing alcohol and bandage, Alastor tried to be careful, but the rubbing alcohol practically burned Lucifer, so he had to bite Alastor's wrist so that he wouldn't scream, Alastor's wrist now has bite marks engraved because of how hard Lucifer bit down. 

Every few seconds, Alastor could hear Lucifer wince, even though he enjoyed the sound of pain, this was not enjoyable, it was... agonising

While Alastor was bandaging Lucifers wounds, the rubbing alcohol burned Lucifer even more as the bandages were wrapping the wound and pressing the rubbing alcohol in more, Lucifer screamed out in agonising pain, when suddenly he felt a pair of soft, luscious, lips on his, then, Alastor pulled back, "If you scream Charlie is going to hear, and I don't think we want that, do we?" Alastor leaned into Lucifer.

Lucifer was in pain, but my god was that hot. After that one kiss, Lucifer was quiet the entire time, it wasn't because he didn't want Alastor to kiss him to make him shut up, hell, he wanted Alastor to kiss him a million times. He was quiet because he was overthinking everything, "I have a wife, what am I doing? Oh, but how much I loved that kiss, should I scream again so that he kisses me again? Oh no, that would be stupid, but... NO, Lucifer no. The King of hell can't date a sinner, it would be the biggest scandal, buuutttt~, I am The King of Hell, soo~ if anyone that tries to do that I can just, end them. Ugh, Lucifer, shut up. You. Have. A. Wife. That again, left you for seven years.... does that count a divorce?" Lucifer then got lost in his thoughts as he over thunk everything that had just occurred. But in Alastors mind it was worse.

"I just kissed the King of Hell, WHAT THE FUCK ALASTOR? Oh my, this will certainly be a topic I'm bringing up with Rosie. But about that kiss, what was I thinking, ugh how stupid of me. It's idiotic, me with the King of Hell. It's a laughing matter. Nothing important or serious, after all, I have better plans." 

After Alastor had healed Lucifers back scars, he was about to help preen Lucifers wings when Lucifer stopped him, "You don't need to do that, it's fine" Lucifer gently grabs Alastors arm, "Usually an angel's partner preens their wings, but since Lilith left, my wings haven't been preened." Lucifer says.

"I don't want to bother you with such a task", Lucifer lets go of Alastors arm

"I told you that I don't want to see you in such a state, and that I want to help you, so let me help you." Alastor says gently.

Alastor starts to preen Lucifers wings, Lucifers wings are a mess, the feathers are everywhere, it seems like they haven't been preened in thousands of years even though Lilith only left 7 years ago. Lilith...

Lucifer is still sitting on the edge of his bed, Alastor is sitting behind him as he starts to caress Lucifers feathers.

Now the reason why the angels partners preen their wings is because normally while their wings are being preened, they tend to get a little... horny. Now normally when this is done with an angels partner, that's totally normal because they've seen each other like this. But for Lucifers case, not so good since this is a regular sinner who has no sort of romantic relationship with him.


Shoutout to my new follower : @Ikealover3008 (Ty pookie 😘😘😘)

Ya'll idk how to write smut/kiss/emotional scenes, but I am really good at writing angst! So, you will probably not end up with smut, but you will end up with angst and I have a full plan rn for the ending, so how many more chapters do you guys want? Most I can do is 5 more, but it'll take months, so the future of this book is in your hands (I can't make big decisions <3)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2024 ⏰

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