Chapter 18

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Draco's POV

I felt soft lips touched mine. It's as if I was in heaven. I've never really had a gesture that showed love.

My father never hugged me, and my mother only does it before she dropped me at Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross Station. Though it felt more forced than genuine, it felt comforting, even momentarily.

Sadly, in other circumstances, I won't get a hug, kiss, or pleadings of "please write to me every week, I wanna know how you're doing in school and if the Professors is giving you a hard time."

Am I dead? Did an angel kissed me?

I suddenly gasped and inhaled a huge chunk of air as my senses kicked in as I felt something blew in my mouth - my lungs felt like they were about to explode and i jolted awake. I immediately coughed and spluttered out water as I felt it trapped within my chest, making me harder to breathe.

"Draco, Draco! Are you allright?"

I recognized that soft, dreamy voice that floated to the air and travelled with the wind. My eyes fluttered open and found a cure for the dizziness that seemed to engulfed me.

"L...Luna?" I mumbled, and continued to cough out the remaining water. Well, I had some time to be embarrassed later.

"Draco, breathe," Luna said, and I did just that. Minutes later, I was carried to the hospital wing by Hagrid, followed by Luna behind.

Last year Hagrid carried me to the hospital wing after Buckbeak attacked. That bloody chicken.

"Ahhh..its killing meh," I groaned, which made Hagrid sighed and Luna chuckled from behind.

"Be quiet Malfoy, you won't get any better if yer keep ln complainin',"he said, exasperation in his voice. I continued to groan as his gait made me dizzy and felt relieved once I was placed on the comfy pillow. I heard Madam Pomfrey rushed towards me in her usual skittish movement, her shoes tapping that sounded someone could rap in between it.

"What have we here?" She asked, though she knew there's a number of students ended up on hospital wing because of me - she still had that concerned tone no matter who she's treating.

"Malfoy drowned in the Black Lake. He was lucky bein' alive yer know. If he didn't flew up to the docks, we never knew he was drownin'," Hagrid explained in his usual drawl. I rolled my eyes at the mention of me lucky being alive.

Madam Pomfrey healed me immediately, and handed me a glass filled with foul smelling liquid. I drank and spit it out - which caused Luna to giggled at the side of the bed.

"What you expect, Pumpkin juice?" Madam Pomfrey questioned. I rolled my eyes and glared at Luna who was still laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked, trying to look serious and angry. The fact that I just saved her from drowning, almost drowned myself, the idea of her laughing did not settled with me. But she continued to do so despite my cold expression, and something about her smile made me forgo the thought of getting mad further.

"Nothing," she replied, her smile never left her face. The liquid must have sleeping draught in it, as I felt my head was pushed by a heavy rock, and I involuntarily laid back down, letting the soft silky pillow transported me into a dreamland where wonderful things exists. In my dream, a long haired angel was caressing my hair. Damn, this feels good.

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