Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Fifth year. Another dreadful year; but at least I have someone who could placate my mind from all the negative emotions.

Yes, it's that Looney - if it was last year, she'd be the last person on my mind to hang out with. But still, we met up secretly - not because of my reputation (though that was what I told her) but keeping our meeting discreet will thwart any Slytherins from telling my father - who wasn't thrilled upon knowing who I took to the Ball. Those brats, they're a handful lot. One time, during the Holidays, I tried to owl Luna a letter, Father punished me by not allowing me to eat for a whole day and charmed my room so I wouldn't use any to get my way.

If he found out about me and Luna getting closer, he would not hesitate to go all out to capture her or her lunatic father and keep them in the dark cellar at the very groundfloor of the Manor. The prison were charmed with a silent spell - so those partying during Christmas (mother likes to invite her posh friends) would not even know a single soul were screaming for dear life right below their feet. As they stomped happily with their expensive shoes, their bodies moving to the rhythm of the music - one of the prisoners downstairs maybe died of hunger.

I suspected Father may cast a minor hex towards her - the kind of hex you could perform even without meeting them face to face.

Which I suspected as Luna walked towards our usual meeting at the Black Lake. We sat at our usual spot - on a grass by the end of the lake and overseeing the meadows. The grass that we usually sat on turned yellow - probably wilted, suffocated from our bottoms.

"What's with your eyes Luna?" I asked as I noticed her right eye is red, and her eyebags were swelling as if they were infected with a bug. It didnt look that bad, but still obvious.

"Oh nothing," she said nonchalantly, as if it is a common occurrence for her. "Maybe just some internal bleeding. Though some weird things happened too. I suddenly got a bad rash on my knee yesterday. Maybe Nargles have something to do with it. They can be very mischievous you know.."

I stiffened, and I wasnt really listening when she was talking about Nargles. Heck, I really hope it was Nargles, or Wrackspurts or the Horned snorkack thing.

"Lets get out of here," I suggested, trying to divert my worries into something more positive. Her eyes lit up instantly.

"Where to?" She asked enthusiastically. Damn, she looks so adorable.

"You'll see," I said, my voice purposely hoarsed to hide the embarrassment. "Accio Firebolt," I summoned, and in split seconds, the broomstick appeared and I immediately clasped it in my hands.

Luna climbed on the broom as I did. "Are you taking me somewhere to kill me, Mr. Malfoy?" She whispered, her breath against my neck me me feel tingled from top to bottom.

I chuckled. "You're too bright for anyone not to notice. If you're dead they know it'll be me," I teased. She hit my head and I let out an ow before turning back to look at her. She was pouting.

"Just trust me okay?" I said to her as lovingly as possible, seeing how beautiful she is especially up close that made me berated at myself for calling her Loony all these while.

"Fine," she sighed, crooking a smile.

Luna's POV


As the broom started to launch into the air, I screamed and tightened my grip on Draco's back. I am very bad at coordinating a Broomstick, and getting a ride with a Quidditch seeker helds a different perspective. Draco effortlessly controlled the broom, and I can't help but feel awe at him.

I can barely open my eyes as the wind brushed our faces. I hooted as we went higher and higher. As the speed started to decrease, I can finally see the beauty of the view clearly. This time its different than riding a muggle vehicile called an airplane, or riding a Thestrals. With Draco, I let him lead me. What he did was...unexpected. Dangerous, but unexpected. Unexpected danger - to summarize our relationship so far.

The beauty of the forbidden forest is unmeasurable from up here, and I never knew how huge the castle is - what we see in Hogwarts is only a quarter of the whole things.

"Oh look! Thestrals!" I exclaimed, pointing towards the two creatures that flew past us.

"Beautiful," he gasped.

"You can see them too?" I questioned, astounded by this revelation.

"Uhh why not? There too huge to go unnoticed," he replied.

"Those who can see Thestrals are the ones who have seen death. I saw my mom died. What about you?"

"Errr thats a story for another day," he replied, and I didnt push him further. Let him tell me when he's ready.

We hovered at the Quidditch stadium, and I am mesmerized at its beauty from the air. For a moment I imagined I am playing Quidditch - waiting for the Snitch to appear before I chase it. Suddenly, I noticed two pair of silvery-blue eyes staring at me.

"What?" I asked, fluttering my eyes - wondering why Draco Malfoy stared at me that way. He looked away and cleared his throat.

"How nice if we get to picnic up here," I said, attempting to be less awkward. Draco took out something from his pocket.

"Engorgio," he casted, and it grew bigger. He then took out several fruits - green apple for him, and strawberries for me. I was flabbergasted.

"What, didn't expect me to be this romantic Lovegood?" He smirked, and I blushed. "Next time I shall bring some pudding," he smirked again, knowing how much of a sweet tooth I am.

We ate, we laughed, we take in the picturesque view into our core memories - all the while enjoying the breeze that hits our skin, and the sound of the birds chirping at the same level with us makes this experience more enticing.

After finishing our snacks, Draco leaned towards me, and my heart thumped even harder in my chest. I could smell his green apple breath, and it was a good thing he brought strawberry, so I know he would enjoy the taste of my...

Before I could finished my reverie, Draco leaned in to kiss me. The first reaction was to pull away because this is absurd right? But I didn't. As much as I have questions in my head, asking of he is insane for kissing Looney Lovegood - I succumbed into the kiss. It was electrifying. Thousands of nerves and cells in my body were filled with chemicals that a love potion could emulate. It was a soft kiss, I could taste the green apple in his mouth as I deepened the kiss. He didn't resist. He placed his hand at the back of my head, and mine around his neck, scared we would fall, much to our complacent.

I didn't expect my first kiss to be this early. I thought I would finish school first before starting to experiment on boys. But here I am - snogging the Slytherin bully that everyone hates, and if my friends found out about my little rendezvous - Draco would probably end up in St. Mungos.

But all of that thoughts were pushed to the back of my head as we continued to kiss, and stopped to catch our breath.

His silvery eyes bore into my blue ones.

"That was...nice," I commented, hoping he felt the same. He grinned, sassy look on his face that made me want to smack him.

"It was..." he replied, and leaned in again to press his lips against mine.

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