Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Batti batti le meanine
Che son belle e piccoline
Son piccoline come te... uno,due,tre!"

Francesca is singing Italian nursery rhymes to Nico and getting him to clap.

"Yay!" We both yell and clap so he'll copy us. It's so cute. I wish Cole saw this. I did get it on video but I'm currently ignoring him. I'll try to get Francesca to show him when he comes over tonight but in the meantime I'll send the video to Dante to forward along.

I down my black coffee like a shot and start to pack up my gym bag. It was a long night of no sleep last night. I'm exhausted both physically and emotionally. Nico was fine I just couldn't get my head to settle down.

Cole did come over to see Nico and true to my word I stayed away. I had everything "set up" for Cole to feed him. I had already given Nico a bath and put him in his pajamas so all Cole needed to do was a feeding and most likely a diaper. I also had set aside a plate of food for him. I know I had nothing he could heat up in the fridge at our house. His house...our house?

I hid in my room for the three hours he was here. I did occasionally peak my head out and listen to them downstairs. The last time I was easedropping Nico had fallen asleep on Cole and Francesca took the baby to bring him to me.

"Tell Ria I love her please." I hear Cole whisper to Francesca as he passes off Nico. "And thank you for the food Auntie."

"That wasn't me tesoro that was Miss Victoria." She says softly in her thick accent.

I hear him sigh. "Thank her for me then too." I hear him kiss Nico and walk away.

My heart clenched. It sucks when the one person you want to comfort you is the person who made you upset in the first place.

After that I laid awake in bed until Nico woke up. Now I'm pretty much a walking zombie. I look like shit and I have two different training sessions today. Not to mention the awkward interactions I will be having with Cole. It is Friday though maybe he has a meeting and won't see me.

One good thing to come out of this whole situation is Sergio let me have my Tesla back. I now have a vehicle and I'm not dependent on the soldiers anymore to take me places.

I had Darlene come to Sergio's today rather than drop Nico off at the house. I want to beat Cole to the warehouse so I'm quickly gathering my gym bag and finish my pre work out. I'm not suppose to have pre workout because of my heart but training has stated so I need to be alert. I'm about to walk out the door when a number I don't recognize calls me.


Bottero I need you to come get me for training today.

"Jionni? How did you get this number?"

Yeah it's me. All of T1 has your number. So are you coming to get me or not? My car is in the shop.

"Sure I guess. Text me your info." I say quickly and hang up like everyone else does.

I pull up to Jionni's house. It looks like every other house belonging to the rich guys that work for my father. Jionni is out front in joggers a tshirt and some dark glasses.

He walks over to the passenger side of my car.

"Tesla. Nice!" He says getting in. He looks at me and scrunches his face. "You look like shit."

"Me?" I scoff "Atleast I don't feel the need to cover my face with glasses."

"Oh this?" Junior says taking of his glasses. I have to hold in a gasp. Clearly a broken nose and a broken eye socket. Some heavy bruising on his jaw too. "Got into a tickle fight yesterday. No big deal. Somehow, I still look better than you though."

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