A Project For Three

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YJH pov:

The words escaped my mouth before I could even think about them. 'Do you wanna be my partner?' what am I six I thought. And Kim Dojka seemed to be thinking the same thing.

His face was something I could only describe as surprised and mortified. With his normal neutral face being now replaced with new found emotions. We feel into an awkward silence for what felt like hours but was probably only a matter of seconds.

He looked back to where Han Sooyoung had gone down the stairs to the lunch room most likely and then turn back to me. My face fell stone cold as I awaited for Kim Dojka to respond. He let out a ragged breath before speaking in his normal tone of voice.

"I don't know why you would want to work with me," he bluntly stated while looking down at the ground once again.

Actually I don't even know why myself. I was originally going to work on the projected alone. And I totally forgot about it until now. So why in the world was I asking Kim Dojka of all people to work with me?

"I just thought since you're so dumb that you would need my help," I answered with a small lump in my throat. God that was so cocky.

Dojka stared at me with an almost idiotic expression. He then chuckled under his breath.

"Well isn't that considerate," he starts while stepping slightly closer to me. "are you also going to help Han Sooyoung out too? You know since we're both so dumb."

This was something I have never seen before. A sarcastic Kim Dojka. And I don't hate it. But I do not want to do anything with Han Sooyoung. I didn't realize it till a moment ago but she's hella annoying.

"I didn't say I wanted to work with Han Sooyoung. I said I wanted to work with you," I tell Kim Dojka also stepping closer to him so there was about a foot of space between us.

"We're kind of a baggage deal," Dojka says while moving back slightly.

"What are you dating or something?" I question as I put myself back in front Kim Dojka so that again there is only a foot of space between us.

"Ew no. She's ugly and annoying," he states sticking out his tongue.

'Then why are you even friends?' I think before realize that Dojka has now again moved away from me. He seems to not like being close to people.

"So then she doesn't need to do the project with us," I grumble out.

Kim Dojka opened his mouth as if to say something but then closed it. He shuffled around for a moment before finally lifting his gaze up from the ground. When I met his eyes I could see they were frustrated. But that wasn't really a surprise since we are having a small disagreement right now.

"I won't work with you unless Han Sooyoung is there too," Kim Dojka told me plainly.

"Ugh, fine. But we are doing it at my house since I already know I never wanna meet Han Sooyoungs parents," I tell him mumbling the last part.

"Okey, that's fine with me. When are we going to work on it though?" He questioned as he titled his head to the side.

That's a good question. It's not due till Friday and it's Wednesday so it would be best to work on it today. Or we could wait till tomorrow but then it probably wouldn't turn out that good considering we would only have a day to get it started and finished.

"Will start today after school. We can all meet up at the front gate," I replied now walking out the homeroom door.

I look back to see Kim Dojka give me a small nod before he started walking back to the now closed window. I didn't like how he wasn't eating, I mean it's lunch time. What else are you supposed to do?

"You coming down?" I retorted. As I did so Kim Dojka turned back to me with a glum face.

"I was going to stay up here," he told me softly.

I sigh before walking back over to Kim Dojka and taking his wrist in my hand. He stares at me as I start walking back out the homeroom door with him in my grasp. I can feel him wiggling around as we made it to the first flight of defening stairs.

"I can walk on my own," he tells me like I'm oblivious to this information.

"I know that, I just think you should eat something," I answered.

Kim Dojka didn't speak after that and we just silently walked down all four flights of stairs. Once we got to the bottom I let go of his wrist. Which he gladly swiped away and rubbed softly. He didn't move from where we were standing though because he knew I still had something to say.

"I'll see you after school, and don't be late," I order him as I stalk away.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Alot of talking, and reading out of the textbook. For some reason the new highlight of my day was going to be seeing Kim Dojka. Which was weird. But earlier when I got back from my talk with Kim Dojka at lunch I went back to my "friends", if you could even call them that, and they asked me alot of questions.

Like why I took so long and why I came down the stairs at the same time as Kim Dojka. I just told them it was a coincidence that we ran into each other. When you really think about it, it was. But finally after what felt like years the last bell rang and we were let free from this prison.

I got out of there pretty quick. Not that I was excited or anything but I just really hate school. I mean like it's to much of a hassle to do all of the stuff that we do in one day. As I made it outside I could see Dojka and Sooyoung standing right by the gate. Just like I told them to.

I walked over to them and placed my hand on Kim Dojka's shoulder.

"You guys ready to go?" I asked.

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