Joongdok's Place

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YJH pov:

As I put my hand on Kim Dojka's shoulder he seemed to flinch slightly. Or it could have been my imagination because when he turned to face me he was just fine.

"Omg finally!" Han Sooyoung exclaimed sarcasticly.

"Oh whatever," I start while grabing Dojka's hand and pulling him with me,"we should get going."

"But where are we going?" Kim Dojka asked so quietly that I almost didn't hear him.

"My place of course. Where did you think we were gonna go?" I retorted.

"I don't know," he mumbled softly.

"Alright, I'm only going if there's food though," Han  Sooyoung said while stretching her arms over her head.

"Ok then let's get going," I said coldly as I thought of Han Sooyoung eating everything in my house.

The walk to my place was pretty quiet except for a few cries of complaint from Han Sooyoung. I don't think see gets out much because she is extremely un-athletic. Kim Dojka seemed to be fine though. He didn't talk the whole time till we got there. And once we did he looked amazed at what he saw.

I don't really care if I come off cocky but I have a nice house. It's three stores all together not counting the basement. There is 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms. Which is very nice since even if we have a guest staying over there is always an empty bathroom. I live with my parents and younger sister Mia. I love her and all but she can be a pain in the ass half the time.

"This is my place," I told the two while lazily moving my hand in a up and down motion toward my front yard.

"No way! You gotta be fucking with us right now," Han Sooyoung said expressly as she walked forward and stepped on the nice green lawn that my father likes to keep in persteen condition.

"I'm not joking," I say as I start up to the front door,"you coming or not?"

Dojka lifted his head in response and stalked up the stairs to the door while Han Sooyoung just stood there in disbelief. She probably would have stayed there forever if Dojka didn't tell her to come in. As we walked in I could almost feel the jealousy fuming out of Sooyoung. It was pretty funny to see her get all angry though. Kim Dojka was still as quiet as ever until he came up to me slowly.

"Um, where can I put my stuff?" He asked me while looking down at his shoes.

"You can put it in my room when we head up there so just wait a bit," I answered a bit harsher than I wanted to.

Kim Dokja seemed to noticed this and only nodded in reply. Right when I was about to tell Han Sooyoung to stop touching stuff I heard a bunch of hard, quick footsteps coming down the stairs. And to no surprise it was Mia. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs and had an upmost look of confusion on her face. Her eyes looked from me to Dojka to Sooyoung and then back to me.

"Since when do you bring people over?" She asked bluntly as she made her way to us.

"Since they started giving us group projects," I retorted equally as unamused.

She hummed in response while looking at Han Sooyoung with a judgemental stare. But as soon as she even caught a glimpse of Kim Dojka it was like fireworks went off in her eyes. She just stared at him for what felt like centuries, I even started to wonder if either of them were going to say anything.

But then Mia extended her arm out and pointed at Kim Dojka,"Can you play with me?"

The room was dead silent till Han Sooyoung broke out into a fit of laughter.

"Omg that's amazing!" She said in between long exaggerated breaths,"I mean at least somebody wants you!"

Kim Dojka look unamused with Sooyoung and turned to me slowly. "Can I?" He asked. And at that moment it felt as though everyone in the room but myself was a child. I sighed loudly before speaking again.

"Maybe after we get some work done but for now no," I tell Mia and Dojka.

He looked a bit sad and bent down to Mia's level before speaking in a soft almost motherly tone.

"I'm sorry we can't play right now but I'll try super hard to get as much work done as I can so we can hangout," he told Mia. But she didn't look happy with that answer. She was probably about to pull out her puppy dog tears.

"But I wanna hang out now," Mia said shaking her head.

"Hmm," Dojka hummed before reaching into his bag and pulling out a small Rubik's Cube,"how about you solve this for me while you wait?"

Mia was quite for a bit before taking the small cube in her hand,"I guess that could be fun."

Kim Dojka gave her a small pat on the head before standing up and walking back over to me. "Should we go to your room now?" He questioned me.

"O-oh yeah let's go," I mumbled.

"Ugh finally, I just wanna get this over with," Sooyoung grumbled.

As we walked up the stairs I couldn't help thinking about how good Dojka was with kids. Maybe he had a little sibling? I feel like I would know if he did though since I would bully and bug him like everyday. And the more I think about Kim Dojka in general I feel like I don't know anything about him. Yeah I know about his mom, I mean everyone does, but other than that I don't know jack shit. Like I don't even know what his favorite color is. But the really question is why do I care?

In the middle of my train of thought I was cut off by Han Sooyoung pushing past me to get up the stairs faster.

"Watch it," I told her with a glare.

She turned around and snickered before sticking her tongue out at me. Oh how I wanted to beat the living shit out of her but Kim Dojka stopped me before I could.

"Don't be an ass Sooyoung," he ordered plainly. She rolled her eyes playfully before sliding back over to him and poking his nose.

"And you should stop being so emo," She joked.

"I'm not emo," he said clearly annoyed.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," Han Sooyoung replied while waving her hand around.

Their friendship is definitely not something you would call healthy in my opinion.

"This is my room," I say as I push open the door for my room.

Han Sooyoung looked even more jealous than before as she fully came in the room. Dojka still seemed impressed but he sure didn't show it. I walked over to the small table in the middle of my room and set down my bag and gestured for Kim Dojka to do the same. As he did he took a second to scan the room. His eyes seemed as though they were glowing against the afternoon sun.

"You have a really nice house," he told me this time not looking at the ground but to the side.

"Thanks," I retorted.

We stood like that for awhile till Han Sooyoung broke us out of our trance. She yawned loudly while stretching her back. She walked back over to the entrance and pointed her finger out down the stairs.

"Can we go get some food now?"

A/N: Hi I'm so sorry for not posting lately, I've just been a bit busy. And school is almost out so I have a lot of final projects and what not. But I will try to countine posting for this story if you guys want me to so just let me know. Thanks, bye 👋

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