Getting To Know You

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YJH pov:

Han Sooyoung looked at me with an almost idiotic expression. She started to walk back down the stairs to try and find her way to the kitchen. She didn't make it far before shouting back at me and Kim Dokja.

"Where the hell is your kitchen?!" She yelled from god knows where.

I sighed and turned back to face Dokja. He shook his shoulders in response. "Can you set up the small table over there?" I asked.

His head whipped around and nodded while walking over to the folded up table. He grabbed it from its place and lifted it up slowly. It looked like he was struggling with getting it over to the middle of the room but he managed to do it. When he finally set the table down he looked slightly out of breath. Which surprised me since I'm pretty sure Dokja used to be on the Track team. But I guess they don't lift weights in track.

"Do you want to go get snacks with Sooyoung while I get out our stuff?" Kim Dokja questioned while tilting his head to the side. He reminded me of a lost puppy.

"Sure, but don't touch anything," I ordered Dokja as I stared him dead in the eyes.

He gave me a confused expression then opened his mouth to speak,"Why would I touch your stuff?"

"I don't know but just don't, ok?" I retorted coldly.

Kim Dokja only nodded softly before going back to grab his bag. Soon enough before I knew it I was walking down my stairs to see Sooyoung looking in different doors. I assume she was trying to find the kitchen still. Once she noticed I was there she didn't hesitate to call me out.

"Where the hell is your God damn kitchen?" She asked waving her arms around like a blown up balloon.

"This way," I answered while pointing toward the right. We started to the kitchen in silence. Once we made it there Sooyoung immediately opened all the cabinets and grabbed almost everything.

"You don't need all that," I tell her. She moved back over to me slowly.

"Yes I do," She said honestly.

"Go put it back," I order her as I walk over to the fridge and pull out everything needed to make a salad.

"Ugh, why though?" Sooyoung whined.

"Because I'll make us something to eat that isn't junk food," I say while waving the lettuce around,"plus that stuff is my sister's. She would fight you for those chips."

Sooyoung scoffed as she put the chips and candy back in the cabinets. I then started to put together three small bowls of salad. Right as I was about to put some cut up tomatoes in the salads Sooyoung grabbed my hand. I glared at her almost immediately. She seemed to pick up on this and quickly let go.

"What was that for?" I asked clearly annoyed.

"Don't put tomatoes in Kim Dokjas. He doesn't like them," she told me sternly.

"Oh I didn't know that," I hummed.

"Yeah he absolutely hates them. Won't eat them even if it's for the life of him. He's kinda a big baby about it," Sooyoung giggled.

"What else does he not like?" I questioned as I was cutting the spinach up.

"Why do you wanna know, huh?" She retored hardly.

"Because I don't want to make something he doesn't like," I say trying to sound like I'm not lying.

"Ohh, that's smart," Sooyoung starts while leaning back on the counter,"well he doesn't like to drink and he isn't a big fan of cantaloupe."

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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