I'm back assholes

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(it is recommended to listen to the first chapter with the song "Everybody wants to be famous", the same song that opens "one of us is lying", for a more immersive experience)


1 notifica da about That:

Guys, take off your swimsuits.

Girls, put away your bikinis.

Summer is officially over and school has started again, and you know what that means: I'm starting over too.

As long as we're forced to live in the hell that is high school, I'm going to reveal the truth about all of you, you miserable assholes. Just like I did last year, when I released those photos that got half the basketball team kicked out.

I've helped many couples find out who they really are, and of course I've kept you up to date on who the addicts, anorexics and alcoholics are.

Privacy is a thing of the past.

I know everything that's happened this summer, and on Friday night I'm going to frame four of Bayview's biggest offenders.

And I know Friday is still a long way off, so I decided to give you a little sneak peek.

First of all, I have a very bad report card on a model student making her debut on About that. She'll be at the top of her class, but that doesn't mean I can't kick her out.

I know you school spirit sheep can't wait to cheer on the Wildcast. But trust me, I'll be the one to win when I reveal the sweaty secret of one of your champions.

I know you love good love stories, but I prefer bad ones. So I can't wait to tell you which slut among the Bayview cheerleaders isn't quite as attached to her boyfriend as you thought. It turned out that she got attached to another guy's thing. Well, we get it.

My last story on Friday will be about one of my regular guests. Bayview's most coveted rebel. I know, even I got bored writing about how everyone wants to the bad boy. But believe me, I have so much dirty news that your bailiff can bury it.

I know going back to school sucks, but I'm here to promise you that it won't be boring.

I just published my post on About That and I can't wait to see those assholes' faces. I can't wait to see their scared faces when they walk through the doors of the school, knowing that each of their filthy secrets will come to light sooner or later. Why do I do this? Ask yourself why there is so much hypocrisy in the world. Millions of people lie every day on social media, pretending to have a perfect life, a perfect family, a perfect relationship, a perfect group of friends. Believe me, these are just lies.

Behind the image of the clean and pure boy or girl, there is always an ugly asshole who thinks he can get away with his beautiful angelic face. And I don't allow that. In this world of privileged jerks, everyone finds a way to get away with it when they make mistakes and get into the Ivy leagues because... Oops, the daddy plays tennis with the rector.

Even if no one agrees: thank goodness I exist.

Because without me a lot of dickheads would go unpunished and so would all the harm they do to other people.

Yes, because believe it or not, not everyone is as good and perfect as they make you believe.

Not all friends really appreciate you.

Not all parents are really honest with you.

Not all boyfriends and girlfriends are faithful.

Nothing is as it seems and I'm here to destroy all this shit that uses you and throws you at will, like you don't have feelings.

With love SimonWhere stories live. Discover now