You saved me

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"June, Jason, fucking get moving!" my cousin Nora yells, knocking her horn repeatedly, and I instantly regret asking her for a ride. The good thing is that none of my brother and I have a driver's license, so we will have to submit to Nora's perfect and safe driving.

I hurriedly fasten my seatbelt, making the sign of the cross, hoping that all the gods will protect me from my cousin's reckless driving. My aunt Leila sent a postcard home when Nora got her driver's license, we were all so happy for her because getting a driver's license shows maturity, seriousness, prudence. Too bad Nora's car didn't come to a noble end the next day. In fact, my cousin crashed her car into the tree of a farmhouse, running over the owner's cat. Don't worry: the cat is still alive and the tree is split in half, but in a hundred years it will have grown as strong and robust as before.

"Guys, did you read the post about that?"

"Fuck yes, but what's wrong with that guy? Does he at least have a social life?" asks Jason, more or less predicting the answer he wants to hear.

"He doesn't have as many friends, as he should: he's just an asshole who reveals the darkest secrets in all of Bayview. He's a living monster walking." She replies exasperatedly, and I have the urge to ask her a question that is obvious to me.

"Excuse me Nora, how come they allow this guy to write some crap about the students at the school?"

"That's a good point, but I'm going to answer you with just as many good reasons: number one is the son of the beloved mayor, number two is the best student in school, number three is a fucking genius, number four has powerful persuasive skills. It's capable of reading your mind, that's why you have to be careful guys. It's not a stupid game, it's something more... more.."

"Personal?" I answer, interrupting her.

"Exactly June. He has no eye for anyone. He destroys you by smiling at you with that air of someone who knows that he has everyone in his grasp, and he does."

I can't wait to see with my own eyes the guy who writes on About that. I really want to see if he's capable of what everyone says. "Living monster walking", a nice nickname for a seventeen-year-old, very original.

With a good swerve from Nora I realize that we have finally arrived at hell.

There are hundreds and hundreds of boys and girls. Overcome with emotion and a sense of anxiety, I cling to Nora's arm.

"June, look me in the eye," he pauses, "It's going to be okay. I know this place isn't like California, but I'm sure you'll be fine with it! Now we're together!" he gives me an encouraging smile and I can't help but reciprocate. I'm bloody scared, but I can do it.

I get Nora to help me find the classes I need to go to. I chose the advanced course of physics, biology, chemistry, English literature, American history and mathematics. You'd call it social suicide, wouldn't you? I call it that too.

I'm not as good at sports as Jason, but I'm very good at school. I have always won medals and trophies in spelling and math competitions. That's why I'm going to have to go all in on my presentation to get into the college of my dreams. I'm not a promising football player, and no great coach can put in a good word for me to get me into Harvard.

It all depends on the grades I get this semester and the extracurricular activities I choose to do. I used to work in California in a volunteer organization, then I collaborated with a group of kids my age to create a shelter for stray cats and dogs. In my own small way, I have always tried to make a difference even if these activities are rather trivial, but I do not intend to belittle myself for the contribution I have made to my community.

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