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"Hi this is Penelope Featherington, sorry to have missed your call. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you soon!"


"Oh there she is, Penelope where have you been?" Eloise asked after putting her phone away. "Mama wanted me to change for what sounds like a business occasion so I had to quickly get home to look presentable," Penelope wasn't too happy with her mother at the moment.

She wore a semi-formal black dress which sit off her shoulders and her red hair in a bun; her gemed heels and purse caught Eloise eye.

"You're at a wedding reception, what business would need to be attended to now?" Her best friend asked.

"Well it is your eldest brother's celebration, who by the way owns a wealthy and well known company, I'm sure it's not only family that is here tonight. And knowing Mama, when she sees an opportunity for more business partners she would go for it," Penelope explained, Eloise seemed to have also agreed.

"Miss Eloise," speaking of which Portia Feathrington had made her way to Penelope as soon as her daughter had entered, "I need a moment with my daughter," Portia smiled grimmly.

"Sure," Eloise looked over to her best friend,"I will see you in a few."

"I've been looking for you Penelope,"Portia briefly critiqued what Penelope was wearing and nodded disapprovingly, "You could have done better. Nevermind that, there's someone I'd like you to meet."


Colin was on the otherside of the ballroom, the venue his brother was using was actually one of the hotels he also owns (Colin travels quite a bit and so he owns many hotels in different parts of the world).

He had just finished talking to his new sister-in-law about his ventures while he was in India.

The first hour he could not find Penelope and thought she didn't show up. However, Eloise was walking torwards him away from Mrs. Feathrington with someone of familiar hair color.

He couldn't pin point the woman because her back was facing him, but he had a feeling it was Penelope. "Colin are you still upset with me?" Eloise asked.

"No dear sister, actually I will forgive you immediately if you tell me if that is Penelope next to her mother?" He pointed with his champagne glass in the direction Portia Featherington was in.

Eloise looked over to where his attention was and noticed that Portia was pulling her best friend to a group of men and women engaged in conversation. "Yes that is, but I wouldn't interfere at the moment. Her mother is currently introducing her to some new business partners," Eloise shrugged.

Colin watched as he can see much clearer, those men were not only businessmen but some were jockeys that he competes with.

"Perfect, I know those men. And I'm sure I can sequeeze my way in," he smiled before walking away from Eloise.

"Colin don't,"But it was already too late as he was making his way torwards the group.


"Penelope, I would like you to meet Mr. Debling," her mother was introducing her to a handsome man. He was tall, broad but lean, and his facial features were dashing along with his blond hair and beard.

"Good evening Miss Featherington, your mother has told me so much about you. She also donates generously at my annunal derby charity event each year," he smiled kindly at Penelope.

"Which I know is coming up soon, is it not? This next month to start off the season?" Portia hinted.

"Yes, the first weekend of June. I would be glad for the both of you to join, especially you Miss Featherington," Debling was looking over to Penelope in such an admiring way, making her blush.

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