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"Penelope I'm sorry," Marina started. "You have always been good to me and it was my fault, I messed up."

"Marina there is no need to apologize," Penelope felt insecure, once again Marina was confident to face her. "Colin actually asked me to come apologize to you before I leave. I'm moving up north."

Penelope looked up at her,"Marina-"

"He loves you, and I'm afraid he's slow about it. You should know he had eyes for you from the beginning," Marina encouraged.

"I don't understand?"Penelope confused.

"He never let the jokeys near you because he can be immature and jealous, right? He told me you thought he was embarassed. He has faults of his own," Marina was ready to leave, she nodded goodbye.

"I'm sorry too!" Penelope yelled, "You shouldn't take any of the blame. You were only helping a friend," she acknowledged. "I was wrong to not tell him in the first place, you shouldn't have to keep it from him, you did the right thing." Penelope hoped Marina had heard her, she could see her walk out to the parking lot.


Penelope was heading back to the party but midway she can see Colin heading torwards her. They haven't had a chance to talk or spend time with each other the whole day.

"Colin, congratulations on your win today," she smiled looking up at him. They were now a few feet apart, "Thank you Pen."

He drew closer, "I saw Marina," Penelope lightly smiled, "You did not have to ask her to apologize to me."

"But it feels good does it not to make a mends?" He enlightened.

"Yes, it does."

"We should both make amends with the past too Penelope," he took her hand into his. Her cheeks turned crimson. "Colin what are we? It's been hard today to place-

Colin interrupted her thoughts with a kiss on her hand, one to quiet her. "I want us to be more, Pen. I am no longer content with our friendship alone. I can't stand to see you with someone else."

Penelope laughed,"Debling is a great man," she teased.

"Pen," he frowned.

She looked up at him and she can tell he was serious, Penelope blushed, "I did not want to ruin our friendship, if you were not feeling the same way. You kept encouraging I be with Marina. I took that as a sign of disinterest."

He let go of her hand for a moment to cup her face,"I pull away because I fear I can not control myself with you? Do you understand?" Colin looked deeply.

"Colin, I only wanted you," Penelope let out, he smiled widely.

"Oh.... my..." Eloise can see her brother and her best friend together. She was looking for Penelope and here she was about to... snog her brother? She could barely tell from how close they were with Colin being much taller and Penelope being small.

Colin dropped his hands and was unsure of what to say or do, his sister just caught them in the moment. He felt utter annoyance, first Daphne, then Benedict, and now the last person he wanted to worry about was Eloise.

"Eloise" Penelope's eyes were wide open, scared to death. "I- we were um-"

"I knew it!" Eloise smiled as if she just solved the world's biggest problem. "I was right!!! Wait a momenet here I thought you were with Debling!"

"Eloise please! Can this wait, I want to kiss Penelope, can we talk about this later or some other day?" Colin has had enough waiting.

"Uh oh, mhmm" Eloise felt somewhat embarrassed and gross her best friend and her brother were together now, she walked back to the party. To tell Daphne and Benedict but they already knew.

Penelope laughed, she was laughing so hard, she did not imagine how Eloise would find out this way, with all scenarios she was worrying about this morning trying to confess to her best friend.

"You're laughing at me?" Colin was upset.

"No! No," Penelope was trying to catch her breath. She couldn't hold it in as best as she could.

Colin was trying to be cool about his confession and his sister just ruined it. Once Penelope was able to calm down, she can see him annoyed and frustrated.

"I don't need you to be romantic or make a grandure remark. I have always been content in just being your friend, but Colin I do have feelings for you too, and I would like us to be something more same as you say," Penelope smiled, surprised at how straight forward and confident she was able to say anything at all. Maybe all she needed was a good laugh to ease her reservation.

Colin smiled and pulled Penelope in,"Can I kiss you now without being interrupted?" She blushed and nodded yes.

As they kissed little did thy know a very disappointed mother was overhearing the Bridgerton siblings discussing matters of her daughter infatuated with Colin.

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