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The first set of Jockey's at the stables were preparing their horses and gathering their helmets for the first race of charity; leaving the stables nearly empty. Penelope and Debling were walking into the stables, "Would you like to meet Vis?" Mr. Debling asked Penelope as they approached a few pins away.

"I'd be happy too," Penelope smiled, she saw the beautiful creature drinking water. "Oh he's gorgeous, does Vis by chance mean Dream in Romania?"

"Yes," Mr. Debling smiled admiring Penelope's knowledge. "You are bright Miss Feathrington."

Penelope blushed at the comment, she then asked, "And when will you be racing Mr. Debling?"

"I will be in the last race for today, I hope you will be watching," Mr. Debling petted Vis," Miss Featherington may I express something freely?" He inquired.

"Of course," she smiled.

"Miss Feathrington, I have taken a liking to you," Mr. Debling politely and in humble matter confessed. Penlope was now a deep rose pink in the cheeks.

"For every moment we spend together, it is rather pleasant and I hope it is for you, and the more I get to know you... Well Miss Featherington I must say I am falling for you. I would like to become more than friends, please I hope my gesture is not overwhelming but I'd like you to know my intentions are of genuine affection," his eyes were meeting hers. Penelope was flattered, and the two looked as if they might kiss. "Mr. Debling, I am grateful for our friendship, and to know your feelings for me I myself am lost for words, I am bashful even."

Penelope wanted to say she was seeing someone already, that her and Colin were something. But she could not declare a status on it if they have yet to talk about it.

"Miss Featherington,  I do not need an answer or of the same flattery," Mr. Debling kindly stated," I only wanted to express how I feel about you before the race. I want you to know I will be racing for you today. And If I win, donations will be made to the foundation of course, but it was for you I share my win with," Penelope admired his confidence, yet he was humble too at the same time. She liked Mr. Debling for his kind-hearted being.

"And if I loose, I may have been distracted by your presence," they both laughed knowing how awful it sounded. They had become good friends in such little time, and Colin can see this. He was behind the pin Vis was in.

He felt a bit of guilt for overhearing a private confession but the feelings that flooded in him was envy. Someone else had also seen the Penelope he had fallen for, and there was chance he can lose her.

The two then walked away from the stables in a lighter atmosphere then when they first came in, and had not noticed Colin.

Colin had been quietly brushing Athena, he was going to be in the last race, the very same one Debling would be competing in.

He was mentally preparing for himself not just the race but he was going to make it official with Penelope. He didn't want to run in circles around her anymore. He had contemplated that after the race he would make it known to her and to the public.

However, witnessing the two his self-esteem had deflated. He was impressed how Mr. Debling was naturally confident, he would not be surprised if Penelope did in fact were to be with him.


Meet Vis
Mr. Debling's Thoroughbred

Meet AthenaColin's Arabian Breed

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Meet Athena
Colin's Arabian Breed

Meet AthenaColin's Arabian Breed

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