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The next morning, the group turned up at the prison, rested and ready to take down the walkers that wandered the fields of the prison yard. Rick cut a hole in the wire fence and Maggie, Glenn and Daryl rushed through first to dispose of those that were inside the first layer of fencing so that they could get the group past without any casualties. They hurriedly tied up the fence with a length of wire once everyone was through.

Rory ran ahead to the gate with Daryl and Archie, Rick and Glenn hot on their tails. "We can pick off the walkers, take the field by tonight," Rick said.

"How will we get to that gate?" Hershel asked, pointing to the inner gate within the yard.

"I'll do it, you guys cover me." Glenn offered, out of breath from running.

"No. You, maggie, Mikey and Beth draw as many as you can over there," Rick pointed to the far side of the fence where they'd came from. "Daryl and Rory go back to that tower, Carol, go with them, you're gettin' to be a pretty good shot. Carl, Archie and Hershel, you're takin' this tower. I'll run for the gate." Rick seemed excited at the prospect of a safe home. "The rest of you, join Glenn and Maggie."

Each of them ran off to do their jobs, climbing watch towers and stabbing walkers through the fence. Gunshots rang through the air as Daryl, Rory and Carol made it to the top, covering rick from above as he weaved through the growling dead prisoners.

"Sorry!" Carol called as a bullet struck the ground right in front of Rick's feet.

They watched as Rick kicked down the walkers in his path and slammed the gate shut, securing it with the clips Glenn had given him. He then hurled himself through the doors of a nearby watchtower, unable to deal with the swarm that followed him. Everyone continued to shoot.

"We did it!" Niamh whooped as the last walker fell to the ground, leaving the yard littered with corpses. Rory held a hand up towards Carol for a high five and the latter complied with a wide smile. They made their way back down the ladder after daryl and rejoined the rest of the group at the bottom.

"You okay?" Carol asked Lori, who cradled her stomach happily.

"Haven't felt this good in months," she replied.

"There's so much space!" Maggie cheered as Glenn dealt with a walker that wasn't quite dead yet.


With everyone pitching in, they'd managed to move most of the bodies to the edge of the field, only a few left scattered by the time night fell.

Someone had gotten a fire started whilst Rory and Mikey dumped yet another walker into the growing pile and Hershel called them over, telling them to stop working for the night. They still had a lot of work to do before the prison was safe so everyone needed to rest.

"You go on ahead," Rory said as she patted Mikey on the shoulder. She'd spotted Daryl heading towards the overturned bus at the bottom of the field and sidetracked to meet him up there.

"You aren't joining them?" Rory asked as she hoisted herself up.

"Nah, gonna watch in case the fence breaks," Daryl said as he looked around. Rory hummed and laid down on her stomach, resting her head on her arms. Daryl continued to pace the length of the bus in silence.

He sat down eventually, facing the fence and lighting up a cigarette. He offered one to Rory and lit it for her when she raised her head to his lighter.

"You think there'll be survivors here?" She asked, breaking the silence.

"Doubt it, looks pretty abandoned with the amount of walkers around."

They were interrupted by Carol climbing up the side of the bus with two small dishes of meat. "It's not
much but if I didn't save you something, you wouldn't eat at all." Carol gave one to Daryl and placed the other in front of Rory's head. She cracked an eye open and sat up, thanking Carol quietly.

"I guess little Shane over there has got quite the appetite." Daryl nodded towards Lori.

"Don't be mean," Carol said, but her smile gave away her real thoughts. "What are you two doing over here anyway?" She asked, her tone suggestive.

"Watching the fence," Daryl replied, shoving meat into his mouth.

"And you?" Carol turned to Rory, who had yet to touch her food.

"Didn't feel like group conversation." Rory shrugged. Carol hummed.

"Pretty romantic up here, you up for a threesome?" Carol joked to lighten the mood.

Daryl grimaced and turned away but Rory laughed. "Meet you 'round back in ten?" She replied, winking playfully.

"Only if you bring that ass." Carol looked Rory up and down with a smile.

"Ah, mon chérie, you know it goes everywhere with me."

"I'm goin' down first," Daryl said as he braced himself to jump from the bus.

Carol let out a faux gasp. "Even better." She and Rory burst into laughter.

"Stop," Daryl said shyly. The two girl followed him down, the full dish still in Rory's hand as they made their way over to the group, Beth's singing getting clearer the closer they got.

"Better turn in," Rick said once the song was over. "We got a busy day tomorrow."

"What do you mean?" Hershel asked with furrowed brows.

"Look, I know we're all exhausted but we need to push just a little further. Most of these walkers are dressed like prisoners and guards so this place must've fell pretty early on. There's probably supplies inside, an infirmary, a commissary."

"An armoury?" Daryl questioned.

"That'll be outside the prison itself but not too far away," Rick answered. "This place could be a goldmine, weapons, food, medicine..."

"We're dangerously low on ammo, we could run out before we even make a dent." Hershel pointed out.

"We can handle it, I know it. These assholes don't stand a chance."


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