003 Spy Kids

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𝔼𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 𝕆𝕟𝕖: 𝔹𝕚𝕣𝕕 ℙ𝕤𝕪𝕔𝕙𝕠

"I can't believe you talked us into this. This isn't fucking Spy Kids, Chook is dangerous." Darren says. "I just hate when fine ass guys are horrible on the inside. Like okay yes. Chook isn't the nicest but I could've so looked past that if he wasn't an attempted rapist". I say. "So you wish you could still fuck him?" Amerie asks. "No! I wish I hadn't. Anyways, he's gone let's go".

"So what exactly are we looking for?" Darren asks. "Anything that proves Chook's been following her and doing the dead bird stuff. Then Harper won't have to prove he was there the night they took her. We can just get him arrested for stalking or something. It wasn't Spider and after the gatho we found another bird on my porch." "Amerie, I'm telling you Chook wouldn't do this. He handles his shit straight on-" That's when his phone started ringing and Chook entered back in. Everyone attempted to hide. I just fluffed my hair and brought it in front of me. Amerie and Darren managed to hide, Quinni... not so much. "Ello-hay, Adlay." she says. "Who the fuck are you?" "We just want to talk Amerie says with her hands up.

"So let me get this straight. You reckon I came into your school, stole her bag, found a dead bird, put that dead bird on her bag, figured out where she lives, found another dead bird, and put that dead bird on her doorstep." "Yes exactly" Quinni excitedly says. "You're trying to get me to admit that?" Chook questions. "This is fucking pathetic ay? Why would I do all this shit?" "Well, you have some motives." "Yeah? What motives would that be? Think I'd be dumb enough to mess with her when we're still awaiting trial? How's that gonna look for my boys, huh? Does that make sense to you?" He straightens up and leans on his legs. "No, not really? Not very clever breaking in here. Thinking bringing Daniella would what? Ease my reaction? I don't like people touching my shit. And I really don't like being accused of shit I didn't do after you BURNED MY FUCKING CAR and locked my lads in jail! You are lucky I am trying to keep my nose clean at the moment". The yelling made Darren, Amerie, and Quinni jump. Darren already was shaking, and shaking me and I had no where to go because I was on the edge of the couch. "I think you should fuck off, or you could stay" They start to run out and I start to walk and he grabs my arm and tells Darren to stay.

He lets go of me and grabs Darren by their shoulders. They shriek a little bit. "It's okay. Look around. This is Cash. This is his world. You think you know him but you don't." "I do know him." Darren says. "Yeah," Chook asks grabbing Darren down to the couch, "So he told you the real story?" "Chook-" I say. "Not now pretty girl." Darren attempts to leave. Chook grabs them back down. "Come here. He's told you the truth did he?" "What real story?" "Oh, you don't know? Oh he was in on it. Yeah, he was gunning for it. He just got cold feet." "That's not true" Darren states. "Yeah? Why do you think he chose not to testify against Jayden and TIlla? Huh? Why do you think he chose not to dob be in huh? Because he's one of us. Always has been. Always will be. Like I said, you think you know someone. You don't know shit. Do you?" Darren shakes their head no and Chook forces their scared self to say it. "Fuck off" Chook says and Darren books it.

"You know you're a shit person Chook right? You have no one. Most of your crew is locked up. What are you without them?" He attempts to grab my arm. "Daniella, that's just my job. You know I'm not going to hurt you or your friends." "No!" I yell as I slap him, "You don't get to touch me. You don't get to even put fear in my friends. You're a horrible person Chook! Stay gone!" I say as I strut out of his place. It's hard to believe I was blinded by him. I swear it's those eyes. I'm a sucker for them.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• ... •°*"˜.•°*"˜

"Being school captain is a huge responsibility. It requires leadership. Caring for other people. The very well-being for our students is in their hands. This year, we've only had one, uh, candidate come forward. Well done Sasha. So I would like to encourage you all to be brave and to throw your hat in the ring and give it a go. Sasha why don't you take us through your policies." Woodsly says as she gets off the podium. "Thank you to our esteemed-" "Wait!" a lout male voice yells. I turn around to see where the voice came from. "I'm gonna run." He then gets on his chair with a dildo and says why. "Do you feel forgotten, unseen, left behind, or worse, do you feel like you can't even breathe for fear of being canceled?" He asks as he makes his way to the stage. "People like Sasha So have made me feel like I'm responsible for all the worlds problems for far too long now. And I'm sick of it. People can say what they want about me. But what you see is what you get. So I say, the canceled, to take back the power. It's time to be unapologetic about who we really are. So vote for me, Spencer White, if you want a real leader." Then, the next thing you know, Amerie states she's going to run for school captain too. She talks about wanting to do better and making up who wrong doings to everyone else. Quinni jumps up to cheer for her. So of course Darren, Harper, Camila, and I get up too.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• ... •°*"˜.•°*"˜

"So, we'll be your campaign managers but you're gonna have to choose a vice" Darren says as we exit the school. "I was thinking Quinni" Amerie says. "Really?" Quinni asks all excited. "I reckon you'll be amazing." Amerie then stops in her tracks when her phone goes off. "What the hell?" We all gather to see what she was looking at. "You don't get to be the hero- Bird Psycho" was written in red letters around a picture of her standing on stage announcing her candidacy for school captain. "This had to have happened just now" I say. "Wait, so they're after you now?" Harper asks. "No. No, they were always after me. Harps, the Ibis that was on my bag the one that I lent to you. It's got my name on it." Amerie realizes as she reaches for the bag to show us. "Then the mynah bird, that was my house. Whoever this they want to bring me down." "So it really wasn't Chook?" Harper asks. "We would've seen him in the hall, whoever sent this was in assembly just now. Bird Psycho is out to get Amerie. And they go to this school." Quinni realizes. Just then not everyone got the picture that was sent to Amerie's phone. "Who at Hartley hates me this much"?

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