115 Vote for Cupcakes

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"Without further ado, here's our candidates. Sasha So, of the QSMCCALP party." "Amerie had to go" Darren tells Quinni. "Go where?" "I'll explain later, but I think you're gonna have to go on." "I don't feel like it" Quinni responds. Ms Woods carry's on, "Up next, Spencer White, of the Cu- Of the C-Lords party. And finally Amerie Wadia, of the S.L.T party. Where's Amerie? Is Amerie here? Jojo?" Darren and I frantically look at Quinni until Jojo demands her on stage for being Amerie's vice.

Darren and I take our seats and begin to listen to Sasha talk about her points. I literally cannot stand to hear her speak at like, any given time. She just thinks that she's right about everything. because she knows the bare minimum about pressing issues. Once she finally finishes, Woodsy announces for Quinni to go on. Then the girl passes the mic. I understand she's upset with us, but gosh there's no reason to be holding out such a grudge.She then hands the mic to Spider.

"There's a reason that the world is run by men. Men are more analytical without letting their emotions get in the way." Sasha interrupts him, "That's gendered bullshit". "See, see? Sasha can't even control her emotions. I didn't interrupt you today. I let you speak, comrade. And I would let Amerie speak, but her absence speaks for her. See this kind of flaky behavior is typical of women. Say one thing, do another, their word means nothing! They will lie to you, with their mouths with their bodies, use you to get what they want. Ask you to change, and then when you do, it's not good enough. Cause the reality is, they don't want you to change. No, they just want someone that they can blame for all problems in their life!" he then finishes.

"That diffidently wasn't about being school captain" Darren laughs. "Hush, he's obviously going through something. Be considerate". "To Spider, please". "He's literally changed, just as Ant has this term. He hasn't done any wrong and as he said, you all still shit on him." "Geeze Dani, I didn't know you cared for him". "In like an older brother that's like very, very distant kind of way. He's an asshole. Always has been to me. But we grew up together. So I know when he's talking shit to me, it's not shit and he doesn't mean it. Hell, most the shit he talks he doesn't mean anyways". "What are you talking about Dani?" "Nothing." Just then Sasha takes that as chance to turn the debate around.

"Do you really want this wank stain to be your school captain?" Sasha asks pointing at him. "Okay, both of you really need to-" "Shut up!" Quinni yells interrupting Woodsy. "Neither of you should be school captain. This is the easy part. Making promises, pretending that you care? Bur what are you gonna do when it gets hard? You gonna actually put in the effort? Or will you both only make us play by your rules? You're both only doing this for yourselves." "That is not true. I am a woman of the people" Sasha says defending herself. Quinni then takes the mic from Spencer's hands and points at someone in the crowd asking who they were. "Who? It's Lucy" Sasha answers. "It's Marjorie Evans. She's on the state hockey team and rides her bike to school every single day. Spider who's that?" "Umm, we just call him 'Tripod' cause he's hung like a tripod." "It's Benjamin Chen. He runs the chess club, he spends every lunchtime in the library. You two want to be leaders of the people, but you don't even know who you're leading. There are kids in this school who aren't into activism and don't want to roast pigs on the oval. Kids who aren't slts or CumLords but you ignore them. You don't offer them anything so why should they vote for you?" Everyone starts clapping and cheering for Quinni. Then Darren stands up as they applaud, "Um Slay. So vote for Amerie!" "Amerie's not even here. you what is here, the rubbish bin is here. Vote for that. Vote for the mouse poo in the sports shed. Vote for the lunch lady's mustache. Vote for cupcakes!"

Woodsy then let's us all know we have until the end of the day to vote. When my turn arrives, I vote for Quinni. She made points that I know Amerie wouldn't have made that truly did move me. We all know I'm not too fond of Sasha, and Spider seems to not be all, "there" at the moment.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• ... •°*"˜.•°*"˜

"Thank you for just this, marvelous spread, of all these delicious cakes and treats. With the proceeds of this bake sale, we will be able to provide our buddies in the Woodwork Department some wood." Woodsy announces as a I nudge Ant. "And now the moment that you've all been waiting for... Who will be Hartley High's new school captain? Drumroll, please. And the winner is Quinn Gallagher Jones". That causes nothing but chaos between the crowd. Coach Voss throws his desert and it lands on Woodsy. "Food fight!" Spider yells. I instantly run to a bathroom or classroom. Honestly anything away from here. I do not want deserts or pastries in my hair on face. My skin is too sensitive for all of that.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• ... •°*"˜.•°*"˜

After the food fight, Amerie tells me that Woodsy gave the option to her to be school captain since Quinni won representing her, or to give it to Quinni. "I gave it to her because that's what the people voted on." "I voted on her. She made pretty decent points that I didn't think you would make. So, I wrote her in". "You bitch!" Amerie says at me as she hits my hand and laughs. "Well, I've got to go. Camila and I are dress shopping..." "You still haven't found dresses?!" "Um no, we love to procrastinate. Wait! Oh em gee! I forgot to ask! How are you? Like the whole abortion. How was...it?" "Um, love you too, and um. It was painful but Malakai and Harper were there for me. So, I managed to get through it". My phone started to buzz. It was Camila. "Oh that's Mila, like I said, I've got to go. But, I'm glad you're okay. By love".

A/N: Two episodes worth of chapters in one day? What??? I only have one episode left to write for. AHHHHH. Also, if you have any suggestions of a fanfic or my writing or anything feel free to let me know!! And as always, thank you for reading!!!!

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