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It's a new chapter. I'll try to update more frequently. Enjoy this chapter, and happy reading!

I also forgot to mention that Reader is a fox species, so feel free to change or scrap that.




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It's been years, actually, probably decades that you've been staying in the celestial realm.

The last time you were summoned back from the mortal realm, it wasn't a pleasant experience. Even though you don't care much about what your parents have to say, it still bothers you. They kept complaining about how you should stop meddling in human affairs and let them take care of their own responsibilities.

You resisted the urge to make a snarky comment in response, but unfortunately, you had to endure their arguing.

You were tasked to write on scrolls but you enjoyed creating novels. Sadly, your productivity was low and you struggled with even one paragraph.

After finishing a stroke on the fancy paper, you let out a sigh. 'Damn, would it be that bad if I just involve myself with humans?' You thought as you put down your calligraphy pen.

Despite being the oldest child in your family, it feels like they're keeping you here just to be dumped by their responsibilities. Oh, the urge to just leave is aching.

You stood up from your seat and walked over to your balcony. You weren't sure whether to flee or to stay. You wondered if they would notice, or.. anyone, at least.

'You know what? YOLO!'

After returning in your room, you stood in a corner away from the windows. You took a deep breath and held your hands out, and then your body started to glow. You were surrounded by light particles as you teleported yourself into the mortal realm.

You had hoped that they would assume that you were just isolating yourself in your cozy room. But now, there is no turning back.

You find yourself in the city known as Megapolis, the last time you came here barely had any civilization, were you that old....? You look like an average person thanks to your shapeshifting abilities, you didn't want to give your identity right away. You looked around your surroundings, seeing danger signs and some stuff that got scrapped.

'Wow, where even is this place.'

Since the reader is a nonchalant icon, they walk in despite all the warning signs. You've been through the worst stuff, so of course you'll live.

𝑨 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑷𝑬𝑨𝑪𝑬 | ʟʍӄWhere stories live. Discover now