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Chapter 1 (Bad Weather) is now here.

Worked on this chapter during class. Our professors weren't present, so I took the chance to try and work on a chapter.

I do have to mention that most of the upcoming chapters won't follow the original events that take place in the actual episodes.

Since it would be out of place for the reader if the chapter goes on even when they're making changes and stuff. Like the reader is just there.

To be blunt, there will be major changes to the story.

Either way, enjoy the chapter.

Either way, enjoy the chapter

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It was a lovely day. It was a great time to go shopping. It's not too bad, right?

You hummed as you passed by many aisles, then stopped in front of your favourite product. (It is a choice of yours, of course.)

If you weren't a deity, you'd already be broke walking around this place.

You added the products into your cart and proceeded to the registration counter to pay for your items.

The cashier gladly scanned your items, greeting you with a kind smile. How cute.

"Okay, so your total is ¥560.. Cash or card?"

You nodded, "I'd like to pay by card, thank you." You replied, hovering your hand to your wallet to take out your payment.

Suddenly, the building shook with a followed loud sound of thunders roaring.

'It's probably just a little storm.' You shrugged it off.

As you were about to hand your card over, the cashier was nowhere to be seen. Even shoppers had disappeared.

You quickly put back your wallet into your magic inventory and left to see what was going on outside, leaving your groceries behind.

As you run out of the mall, you see rain pouring down harshly, causing a small flood to happen. You were sure that it was a clear, sunny day a few moments earlier.

Disregarding the rain, you rush over to the weather station just to make sure that no trespassers decide to mess with the controls there.

You know that a lot of things have changed since your last visit, but you adapted to it so it wouldn't be so difficult for you to be able to wander around Megapolis.

A digital billboard lit up that showcased Redson having a speech about their family dominating the world again... yada yada..

And that's where you knew this was the flame demons doing.

You made up your mind, deciding to go there yourself.
And if you're lucky, you may encounter MK and the gang there.

Redson watched you sprint towards the weather station displayed on screen from the cameras around different angles of the city. He smirked as he spun around in the chair he sat on.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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