Chapter 9: Winter is Comin

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POV Daenerys Targaryen

She did not know at what exact moment she had fallen asleep, she only remembered arriving at the castle completely tired and dizzy, the nausea barely let her walk, she was so weak, so disoriented since they had left Stormlands, the stew they were serving had a strong smell and that had destabilized her, so when Dany arrived at the room, besides vomiting non-stop, she fell asleep against the soft bed.

Dany's eyes snapped open as she heard the distinct sound of wood burning, the crackle of logs splitting, the smell of smoke in the air, the taste of ash in her mouth, that distinctive taste, that taste she welcomed back as an old friend, an old acquaintance. She was surrounded by the flames, great red flames as alive as she was, the fire gently caressed her bare skin, the flames were so strong that the red turned to blue and the blue to orange, Dany's eyes lowered to her feet and a soft cry came out between her lips as she saw what was there.

Dany's eyes swept over each body on the ground, each dead man laid at her feet, she stood in the center of a funeral pyre, a giant pyre where thousands of men were laid out respectfully, there were Northmen, Dothraki, Unsullied and Southmen, wide-eyed, Dany looked at the dragon eggs placed around her, strangely, she walked through the flames leaving the funeral pyre, there was the destroyed wall, all covered by a great snowstorm, thousands of skeletons on the ground, she walked slowly looking at each skeleton with distrust.

Dany went through the hole in the wall and continued walking forward, something there was calling her, she stopped in front of a specific body, that had to be the Night King, with blue and shiny skin, it seemed to be made of the same ice that surrounded her, the same ice of the wall, in the heart of the King was stuck a dagger with a very strange shape, she had seen it somewhere, Drawn to the dagger she reached out and grabbed it tightly, the King's blue eyes opened suddenly staring at her, one of his icy hands grabbed her arm, but the blue monster screamed as if it hurt to touch her, Dany was paralyzed watching as everything around her began to move at high speed, screams, death, blood, but she was mesmerized by the King's eyes.

"The princess who was promised"

It was the whisper of that strange voice that made Dany jerk up clutching her chest, her eyes searched with speed around the room, she was home, she was at Dragonstone, she reached out to Daemon's sleeping body, he looked so tender asleep, his face was completely relaxed and his lips half open, he looked peaceful and not the man who could tear heads off with a simple swing of his sword.

"Are you all right, love?" the husky voice of Daemon made her look at the darker half-opened eyes.

"Just a very vivid nightmare."

"What did you see?" he sat up quickly looking down at her with a soft sleepy smile.

"Nothing important... I think" Dany's small voice made him squint.

"Our dreams are important, they tell us things about the future" he commented gently caressing the Queen's cheek.

She gently told him the whole dream, she told him every detail, especially the details of the dagger, she knew it was something important, something she had to find out, she watched as Daemon's face was changing from a frown to a big dazzling smile.

"Anything else?"

"A voice that whispered... The princess who was promised" Dany smiled a little looking towards the large door of her room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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