Chapter 5

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Brynleigh Pasternack

Brynleigh set down her bag lightly on the table in the backroom of Cherry’s Bed and Breakfast. She was glad that she was going there for a different reason that time, not just to tell her her son was dead.

She sat down and waited for the chitter chatter of the other members to quiet down before the meeting would start. She knew this was an important one, but not for what reason. None of them were ever told what was going to happen before a meeting. They had all agreed to those terms in order to try and protect the Revolution. So, they were just told a time; they all already knew the place.

“Can I have everyone’s attention, please?” Rachel, the thirty four year old leader of the Revolution, tapped a small fork against a glass cup before setting it down on a table. She flipped her long red hair over her shoulder before speaking again, staring at all of them with the intensity of her hazel eyes.

“I know that a lot has happened recentl-” Rachel was cut off.

“You mean like Tyler dying!?” Lyla, Tyler’s fiance, screamed at her in rage. Emotions bubbled in her eyes.

Everyone was dead silent. A pin could drop halfway across the world, and they all would probably hear it. It was tense as no one spoke up to the question, not even to remind her to be quiet. They didn’t all know each other, but they had all known Tyler. Every single one of them had.

He was the only one who used his real name there. They all had family, friends, and lives to protect. Even as workers for the Revolution. Brynleigh had always used the name Kiki to hide her real identity. But Tyler had always said that he never wanted to hide what he did. That might’ve been why he was such an easy target for the King’s guards, but no one mentioned that. It would’ve been disrespectful in their minds.

He had been the one person that everyone looked up to. When they thought about the cause they were fighting for, they thought about Tyler. He had been there practically his whole life, and he had never once given up on the mission that he set out on. He held everyone’s respect. Even Brynleigh, who hadn’t known him that well.

She couldn’t imagine what Lyla was going through, especially as they had a baby on the way in six or seven months.

Brynleigh looked down at the floor, not having the courage to look the pregnant woman in the eyes once she began looking around the room. She noticed everyone else beginning to do the same, inspecting the old wood that they held their feet on for however long everyone had been going to those meetings.

“That is one of the things I wanted to discuss tonight.” Rachel said, her eyes on the far wall away from her.

“His death is not a thing!” Lyla roared.

“If you can not be quiet, then I will have to remove you.” Rachel said.

“What?” Lyla responded, this time an actual whisper of disbelief.

Brynleigh glanced between the two out of the corner of her eye, wondering if she should butt in so that they could move on, but she decided not to. She waited as the two stared at each other with bated breath. After a little while, Rachel began to speak again. Much more slowly this time.

“I’m sending out a new mission that will be extremely dangerous.” No one spoke up. “All of you in this room will have some type of role to play in this, but one of you will take up the lead role…Ruthy…I’m sorry.” Rachel’s eyes bored into Brynleigh’s, her own eyes widening as she questioned what she would have to do.

“We were really just talking about Tyler dying young for this cause, and now you’re sending out someone even younger?” Lyla asked, moving to take a protective step in front of Brynleigh.

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