Chapter 9 :■

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   God he's stupid. Here they were trapped in a broom closet, arms brushing against cleaning supplies and breaths held. This evening couldn't have gone worse.

   Cole awoke at 6:45 am sharp. He arrived at the station by 7:30. The criminal and him awaited for the captains orders. Kai faced her chair with a bright grin.

   "Lloyd is at this address," the captain said, her bony finger pressing on a point on the map. "With a team you will infiltrate the enemy base, retrieve Lloyd, and return without exposing yourself. We need to keep this running for a little longer. Gather any information you can."

   Their assigned team set off after getting the disguises for everyone and any extra tools they might need. Every officer was equipped with an earpiece and a tazer hidden on their body. The criminal obviously didn't get one although he did ask very nicely. Cameras would be placed outside the building and as the day went on all around the inside as well.
   The gang's home was a grand mansion. The outside of it sparkled and the inside shimmered. Armour stands stood against the gold covered walls. Under the disguise of other gang members Team Lloyd paced quickly along the reflective floor. It was an odd place for gang meetings, but supposedly one of the main sponsors had ties to Ninjago's royalty. Cole thought that was a little far-fetched of a rumour. Although there is no harm in checking it out. His brown eyes darted around the room through his dark mask. Kai stood a breath away, occasionally their hands brushed against eachother, lighting up Kai's face. He chose to stop looking at Cole. There were guards stationed at every door and exit point. Getting to Lloyd would prove to be a challenge. The blueprint had showed stairs that led down into a basement, that is where they would keep Lloyd. Cole had it all memorized, as long as no one did something stupid to compromise their position it would be easy to get out alive. His cold hands took Kai's wrist, sending a shiver down his spine.

   "Take this left," Cole whispered under his breath. The two broke off from the group and moved into the next hallway. Grand windows lined the walls; no guards were sanctioned at any of them. They would take the next right and be led down the stairs if Cole were correct. His heart beat loudly in his chest and warmth slowly spread from where he was still holding onto Kai. The gold hallway narrowed down into stairs that led towards a dark corridor. A light flicked on and voices echoed through the hall. Kai swore under his breath, shoving Cole into the nearest room. It was barely a meter in size. Kai was pushed aginst Cole's chest as they waited for the members to pass. Locking the two of them in a cupboard was not the smartest, but there was no helping it. Here they were trapped in a broom closet, arms brushing against cleaning supplies and breaths held. Cole slightly squirmed for space between them. Kai couldn't lie, he loved it.

   A squeaky voice was talking to another guard. "What do you think O Quiet One wants with the boy?" One guard dramatically murmured behind the closed door. The other put their hand to their face and sighed.

   "Marvin, do you ever listen? The boy is leverage, she wants all of them. Hothead and Detective are already on their way." Cole stiffened. All of them? All of who? The gang members quickly moved forward, the boys released their breaths. Shifting to look at Cole, Kai said, "What was that all about? Who is 'Hothead and Detective'?" Cole shrugged in response. Maybe this was bigger than he thought.

   "Is the Quiet One their leader?" Cole wondered aloud.

   "A few years back, when I was uh-allied with the Mechanic, he'd mention a bigger boss. Maybe that's her," Kai quickly said. He reached across Cole and opened the door, so the two could escape the stuffy broom closet. Silently, the two walked further down the stairs.
   Metal beams seperated the stone path from the rooms to either side of Cole and Kai. Dirt smeared on the ground and leftover meals molded in different corners. There was a faint coughing sound at the end of the hall. Kai's head snapped over to Cole's who was already staring back with the same thought. They rushed over to the last cell, Lloyd lay curled in a ball. He looked as fragile as a flower, although he wore a sly grin. A door slammed shut down the hallway meters away from them. Kai rushed to the cell his hands in between the metal bars reaching for Lloyd.

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