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Sunday, Ashton spent the day with his mom and siblings, watching TV together. His little brother and sister were happy he was actually spending time with them and not locked in his room or out with friends. He went to bed a little too late, though, and Monday morning he felt like death personified. When Calum saw him he immediately asked if he was sick which made Ashton feel even worse.

"Not sick, just tired," Ashton yawned. Calum opened his mouth to say something but something distracted him and he closed his mouth again.

"What?" Ashton asked, confused. He looked in the direction Calum was and instantly understood why Calum had gone silent. There was Michael with his girlfriend. He was messing around with her, tickling her sides while she laughed and pushed him away.

"You really shouldn't see him anymore," I stated. An angry look crossed Calum's face.

"Why not?"

"Even if he did break up with Rebecca for you, would you really want to date him? He's a cheater," I explained. Calum rolled his eyes.

"He's not a cheater. He's just in the closet," Calum explained, as if that made everything better.

"Whatever, go and get hurt. Don't say I didn't warn you," Ashton gave his friend a pointed look. Calum just scoffed.

"Whatever. The bell's about to ring, come on," Calum grabbed Ashton's sweater and pulled him towards the hallway their first period class was in.

On the way there they passed Luke Hemmings. He stared at Ashton awkwardly and then waved. Ashton was too in awe to wave back or even smile. Why the hell did the senior bad boy, Luke Hemmings, just wave at him?

A flashback from the party came to Ashton's mind. He must've talked to Luke there. But what did he say?


Luke ate lunch with Calum and a couple other girls that they had met on the first day of school, back in August. There was Jenna; a nice girl who had dyed her hair green a couple weeks ago, and Hayley; an eccentric girl who changed her hair color so much, Ashton feared she might go bald one day. Ashton was actually a bit jealous of them, they were both so confident and crazy. Ashton could only get like that when he was intoxicated.

"Is it just me, or is Jasper seriously staring you down, Ashton?" Hayley remarked, pointing behind Ashton. He turned around and saw Jasper walking towards their table, his stare fixed intensely on Ashton. He approached the table and sat in the empty seat next to Ashton.

"Come with me real quick, I need to show you something," He said very quietly.

"Um, okay," Ashton didn't really have a reason to say no. Jasper stood up and Ashton followed suit. They both walked to the nearest bathroom, Ashton trailing behind like a frightened puppy. Jasper walked to the back of the bathroom and slipped into the last stall. Ashton blushed and hesitantly stepped in with him. Jasper locked the stall door.

"What's going on?" Ashton inquired. Jasper ignored him and pulled out his phone. He tapped on it for a minute before finally answering.

"I'm gonna show you something, and don't even try any funny business because I'm not the only one who has it," Jasper said gruffly. He held his phone in front of Ashton's face. It was a video, but the screen was black. Jasper hit play.

There was a laughter, a flash of light and Ashton saw a group of boys standing around a boy. The camera pointed up and moved forward, he recognized Jasper and a couple other boys from the football team. The camera whipped down and Ashton recognized the boy on the bed.

It was him.

A/N- this book is cheesy but whatever lmao. tell me what you think! (: vote & comment

I'm Not a Slut; Lashton auWhere stories live. Discover now